Convergence theorems for Banach space valued integrable multifunctions.
In some recent papers, results of uniform additivity have been obtained for convergent sequences of measures with values in -groups. Here a survey of these results and some of their applications are presented, together with a convergence theorem involving Lebesgue decompositions.
We give sufficient conditions for the interchange of the operations of limit and the Birkhoff integral for a sequence of functions from a measure space to a Banach space. In one result the equi-integrability of ’s is involved and we assume almost everywhere. The other result resembles the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem where the almost uniform convergence of to is assumed.
Given a complete and separable metric space , we study the weak convergence of sequences of measures defined on the space of all real-valued lower semicontinuous functions on as well as on the space of all closed subsets of .
Assuming the continuum hypothesis, we show that (i) there is a compact convex subset L of , and a probability Radon measure on L which has no separable support; (ii) there is a Corson compact space K, and a convex weak*-compact set M of Radon probability measures on K which has no -points.
We show that on every nonseparable Banach space which has a fundamental system (e.gȯn every nonseparable weakly compactly generated space, in particular on every nonseparable Hilbert space) there is a convex continuous function such that the set of its Gâteaux differentiability points is not Borel. Thereby we answer a question of J. Rainwater (1990) and extend, in the same time, a former result of M. Talagrand (1979), who gave an example of such a function on .
In this paper, we generalize to sub-Riemannian Carnot groups some classical results in the theory of minimal submanifolds. Our main results are for step 2 Carnot groups. In this case, we will prove the convex hull property and some “exclosure theorems” for H-minimal hypersurfaces of class C2 satisfying a Hörmander-type condition.