Fréchet Schwartz spaces and approximation properties.
he paper is devoted to investigation of Gegenbauer white noise functionals. A particular attention is paid to the construction of the infinite dimensional Gegenbauer white noise measure , via the Bochner-Minlos theorem, on a suitable nuclear triple. Then we give the chaos decomposition of the L²-space with respect to the measure by using the so-called β-type Wick product.
We introduce various classes of interpolation sets for Fréchet measures-the measure-theoretic analogues of bounded multilinear forms on products of C(K) spaces.
The invariant subspace problem for some operators and some operator algebras acting on a locally convex space is studied.
It is proved, using so-called multirectangular invariants, that the condition αβ = α̃β̃ is sufficient for the isomorphism of the spaces and . This solves a problem posed in [14, 15, 1]. Notice that the necessity has been proved earlier in [14].
The problem of topologies of Grothendieck is considered for complete tensor products of Fréchet spaces endowed with the topology defined by an arbitrary tensor norm. Some consequences on the stability of certain locally convex properties in spaces of operators are also given.
We show that as soon as embeds complementably into the space of all weakly compact operators from to , then it must live either in or in .
Completeness criterion of W. Robertson is generalized. Applications to vector valued sequences and to spaces of linear mappings are given.
We study tensor norms and operator ideals related to the ideal , 1 < p < ∞, 0 < σ < 1, of (p,σ)-absolutely continuous operators of Matter. If α is the tensor norm associated with (in the sense of Defant and Floret), we characterize the -nuclear and - integral operators by factorizations by means of the composition of the inclusion map with a diagonal operator , where r is the conjugate exponent of p’/(1-σ). As an application we study the reflexivity of the components of the ideal...