Detection of scales of heterogeneity and parabolic homogenization applying very weak multiscale convergence.
We consider a compact linear map T acting between Banach spaces both of which are uniformly convex and uniformly smooth; it is supposed that T has trivial kernel and range dense in the target space. It is shown that if the Gelfand numbers of T decay sufficiently quickly, then the action of T is given by a series with calculable coefficients. This provides a Banach space version of the well-known Hilbert space result of E. Schmidt.
Let X be a Banach space and ν a countably additive X-valued measure defined on a σ-algebra. We discuss some generation properties of the Banach space L¹(ν) and its connection with uniform Eberlein compacta. In this way, we provide a new proof that L¹(ν) is weakly compactly generated and embeds isomorphically into a Hilbert generated Banach space. The Davis-Figiel-Johnson-Pełczyński factorization of the integration operator is also analyzed. As a result, we prove that if is both completely continuous...
Let K be a compact Hausdorff space, the space of continuous functions on K endowed with the pointwise convergence topology, D ⊂ K a dense subset and the topology in C(K) of pointwise convergence on D. It is proved that when is Lindelöf the -compact subsets of C(K) are fragmented by the supremum norm of C(K). As a consequence we obtain some Namioka type results and apply them to prove that if K is separable and is Lindelöf, then K is metrizable if, and only if, there is a countable and dense...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B50, 46B70, 46G12.A new measure of noncompactness on Banach spaces is defined from the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness, giving a quantitative version of a classical result by R. S. Phillips. From the main result, classical results are obtained now as corollaries and we have an application to interpolation theory of Banach spaces.
We show several characterizations of weakly compact sets in Banach spaces. Given a bounded closed convex set C of a Banach space X, the following statements are equivalent: (i) C is weakly compact; (ii) C can be affinely uniformly embedded into a reflexive Banach space; (iii) there exists an equivalent norm on X which has the w2R-property on C; (iv) there is a continuous and w*-lower semicontinuous seminorm p on the dual X* with such that p² is everywhere Fréchet differentiable in X*; and as a...
If every member of a class P of Banach spaces has a projectional resolution of the identity such that certain subspaces arising out of this resolution are also in the class P, then it is proved that every Banach space in P has a strong M-basis. Consequently, every weakly countably determined space, the dual of every Asplund space, every Banach space with an M-basis such that the dual unit ball is weak* angelic and every C(K) space for a Valdivia compact set K , has a strong M-basis.
This paper mainly concerns the topological nature of uniformly convexifiable sets in general Banach spaces: A sufficient and necessary condition for a bounded closed convex set C of a Banach space X to be uniformly convexifiable (i.e. there exists an equivalent norm on X which is uniformly convex on C) is that the set C is super-weakly compact, which is defined using a generalization of finite representability. The proofs use appropriate versions of classical theorems, such as James' finite tree...
For p ≥ 1, a set K in a Banach space X is said to be relatively p-compact if there exists a p-summable sequence (xₙ) in X with . We prove that an operator T: X → Y is p-compact (i.e., T maps bounded sets to relatively p-compact sets) iff T* is quasi p-nuclear. Further, we characterize p-summing operators as those operators whose adjoints map relatively compact sets to relatively p-compact sets.
We prove that a continuous image of a Radon-Nikodým compact of weight less than b is Radon-Nikodým compact. As a Banach space counterpart, subspaces of Asplund generated Banach spaces of density character less than b are Asplund generated. In this case, in addition, there exists a subspace of an Asplund generated space which is not Asplund generated and which has density character exactly b.
We say that a collection of subsets of has property if there is a set and point-countable collections of closed subsets of such that for any there is a finite subcollection of such that . Then we prove that any compact space is Corson if and only if it has a point-- base. A characterization of Corson compacta in terms of (strong) point network is also given. This provides an answer to an open question in “A Biased View of Topology as a Tool in Functional Analysis” (2014) by...
We survey several applications of Simons’ inequality and state related open problems. We show that if a Banach space X has a strongly sub-differentiable norm, then every bounded weakly closed subset of X is an intersection of finite union of balls.
The main purpose of this paper is to prove the boundedness of the multidimensional Hardy type operator in weighted Lebesgue spaces with a variable exponent. As an application we prove the boundedness of certain sublinear operators on the weighted variable Lebesgue space.
We examine the Gruenhage property, property * (introduced by Orihuela, Smith, and Troyanski), fragmentability, and the existence of σ-isolated networks in the context of linearly ordered topological spaces (LOTS), generalized ordered spaces (GO-spaces), and monotonically normal spaces. We show that any monotonically normal space with property * or with a σ-isolated network must be hereditarily paracompact, so that property * and the Gruenhage property are equivalent in monotonically normal spaces....