Some commutative neutrix convolution products of functions
The commutative neutrix convolution product of the locally summable functions and is evaluated. Further similar commutative neutrix convolution products are evaluated and deduced.
The commutative neutrix convolution product of the locally summable functions and is evaluated. Further similar commutative neutrix convolution products are evaluated and deduced.
Using a description of the topology of the spaces ( open convex subset of ) via the Fourier transform, namely their analytically uniform structures, we arrive at a formula describing the convex hull of the singular support of a distribution , . We give applications to a class of distributions satisfyingfor all .
Let and be distributions in and let be an infinitely differentiable function with , (or ). It is proved that if the neutrix product exists and equals , then the neutrix product exists and equals .
It is shown that every closed rotation and translation invariant subspace of or , , is of spectral synthesis, i.e. is spanned by the polynomial-exponential functions it contains. It is a classical problem to find those measures of compact support on with the following property: (P) The only function satisfying for all rigid motions of is the zero function. As an application of the above result a characterization of such measures is obtained in terms of their Fourier-Laplace transforms....