Displaying 141 – 160 of 346

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Integrals and Banach spaces for finite order distributions

Erik Talvila (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let c denote the real-valued functions continuous on the extended real line and vanishing at - . Let r denote the functions that are left continuous, have a right limit at each point and vanish at - . Define 𝒜 c n to be the space of tempered distributions that are the n th distributional derivative of a unique function in c . Similarly with 𝒜 r n from r . A type of integral is defined on distributions in 𝒜 c n and 𝒜 r n . The multipliers are iterated integrals of functions of bounded variation. For each n , the spaces...

Linear distributional differential equations of the second order

Milan Tvrdý (1994)

Mathematica Bohemica

The paper deals with the linear differential equation (0.1) ( p u ' ) ' + q ' u = f ' ' with distributional coefficients and solutions from the space of regulated functions. Our aim is to get the basic existence and uniqueness results for the equation (0.1) and to generalize the known results due to F. V. Atkinson [At], J. Ligeza [Li1]-[Li3], R. Pfaff ([Pf1], [Pf2]), A. B. Mingarelli [Mi] as well as the results from the paper [Pe-Tv] concerning the equation (0.1).

Multiplication of distributions

Volker Boie (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Multiplication by harmonic representations of distributions, introduced by Li Banghe, is an extension of a certain product by radial (rotationally symmetric) mollifiers and therefore a strict extension of the Kami'{n}ski and Colombeau product.

Multipliers of Hankel transformable generalized functions

Jorge J. Betancor, Isabel Marrero (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let μ be the Zemanian space of Hankel transformable functions, and let μ ' be its dual space. In this paper μ is shown to be nuclear, hence Schwartz, Montel and reflexive. The space O , also introduced by Zemanian, is completely characterized as the set of multipliers of μ and of μ ' . Certain topologies are considered on 𝒪 , and continuity properties of the multiplication operation with respect to those topologies are discussed.

Multipliers of temperate distributions

Jan Kučera, Carlos Bosch (2005)

Mathematica Bohemica

Spaces 𝒪 q , q , of multipliers of temperate distributions introduced in an earlier paper of the first author are expressed as inductive limits of Hilbert spaces.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 346