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Equivalence bundles over a finite group and strong Morita equivalence for unital inclusions of unital C * -algebras

Kazunori Kodaka (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let 𝒜 = { A t } t G and = { B t } t G be C * -algebraic bundles over a finite group G . Let C = t G A t and D = t G B t . Also, let A = A e and B = B e , where e is the unit element in G . We suppose that C and D are unital and A and B have the unit elements in C and D , respectively. In this paper, we show that if there is an equivalence 𝒜 - -bundle over G with some properties, then the unital inclusions of unital C * -algebras A C and B D induced by 𝒜 and are strongly Morita equivalent. Also, we suppose that 𝒜 and are saturated and that A ' C = 𝐂 1 . We show that if A C and B D ...

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