On the -th birthday of Semen Samsonovich Kutateladze for .
We describe an ultrametric version of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, without any assumption on the residue field. If is a subset of a rank-one valuation domain , we show that the ring of polynomial functions is dense in the ring of continuous functions from to if and only if the topological closure of in the completion of is compact. We then show how to expand continuous functions in sums of polynomials.
We prove that any infinite-dimensional non-archimedean Fréchet space is homeomorphic to where is a discrete space with . It follows that infinite-dimensional non-archimedean Fréchet spaces and are homeomorphic if and only if . In particular, any infinite-dimensional non-archimedean Fréchet space of countable type over a field is homeomorphic to the non-archimedean Fréchet space .
Si studiano alcune proprietà di un certo limite induttivo di spazi non-archimedei di funzioni continue. In particolare, si esamina la completezza di questo limite induttivo e si indaga il problema di quando lo spazio coincide con il proprio inviluppo proiettivo.
Let K be a non-Archimedean valued field which contains Qp, and suppose that K is complete for the valuation |·|, which extends the p-adic valuation. Vq is the closure of the set {aqn | n = 0,1,2,...} where a and q are two units of Zp, q not a root of unity. C(Vq --> K) (resp. C1(Vq --> K)) is the Banach space of continuous functions (resp. continuously differentiable functions) from Vq to K. Our aim is to find orthonormal bases for C(Vq --> K) and C1(Vq --> K).