Absolutely--summing operators in -spaces II
As a continuation of the work of Bennett and Carl for the case q = ∞, we consider absolutely (r,p,q)-summing inclusion maps between Minkowski sequence spaces, 1 ≤ p,q ≤ 2. Using these results we deduce parts of the limit orders of the corresponding operator ideals and an inclusion theorem between the ideals of (u,s,t)-nuclear and of absolutely (r,p,q)-summing operators, which gives a new proof of a result of Carl on Schatten class operators. Furthermore, we also consider inclusions between arbitrary...
Let α > 0. By Cα we mean the terraced matrix defined by [...] if 1 ≤ k ≤ n and 0 if k > n. In this paper, we show that a necessary and sufficient condition for the induced operator on lp, to be p-summing, is α > 1; 1 ≤ p < ∞. When the more general terraced matrix B, defined by bnk = βn if 1 ≤ k ≤ n and 0 if k > n, is considered, the necessary and sufficient condition turns out to be [...] in the region 1/p + 1/q ≤ 1.
The problem of approximation by accretive elements in a unital C*-algebra suggested by P. R. Halmos is substantially solved. The key idea is the observation that accretive approximation can be regarded as a combination of positive and self-adjoint approximation. The approximation results are proved both in the C*-norm and in another, topologically equivalent norm.
Characterisations are obtained for the following classes of unbounded linear operators between normed spaces: weakly compact, weakly completely continuous, and unconditionally converging operators. Examples of closed unbounded operators belonging to these classes are exhibited. A sufficient condition is obtained for the weak compactness of T' to imply that of T.
If X and Y are Banach spaces, then subalgebras ⊂ B(X) and ⊂ B(Y), not necessarily unital nor complete, are called standard operator algebras if they contain all finite rank operators on X and Y respectively. The peripheral spectrum of A ∈ is the set of spectral values of A of maximum modulus, and a map φ: → is called peripherally-multiplicative if it satisfies the equation for all A,B ∈ . We show that any peripherally-multiplicative and surjective map φ: → , neither assumed to be linear nor...