-compact operators.
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Korotkov, V.B. (2009)
Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal
Thiruvaiyaru V. Panchapagesan (2002)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Let be a quasicomplete locally convex Hausdorff space. Let be a locally compact Hausdorff space and let , is continuous and vanishes at infinity be endowed with the supremum norm. Starting with the Borel extension theorem for -valued -additive Baire measures on , an alternative proof is given to obtain all the characterizations given in [13] for a continuous linear map to be weakly compact.
Garibay Bonales, Fernando, Vera Mendoza, Rigoberto (1997)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Tomáš Roubíček (1990)
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
Matej Brešar, Yuri Turovskii (2005)
Banach Center Publications
Let 𝓐 be a Banach algebra without nonzero finite dimensional ideals. Then every compact semiderivation on 𝓐 is a quasinilpotent operator mapping 𝓐 into its radical.
Heydar Radjavi, Ping-Kwan Tam, Kok-Keong Tan (2003)
Studia Mathematica
A characterization of compactness of a given self-adjoint bounded operator A on a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space is established in terms of the spectrum of perturbations. An example is presented to show that without separability, the perturbation condition, which is always necessary, is not sufficient. For non-separable spaces, another condition on the self-adjoint operator A, which is necessary and sufficient for the perturbation, is given.
L. Hörmander, Anders Melin (1994)
Mathematica Scandinavica
Marian Nowak (2016)
Open Mathematics
Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, E and F be Banach spaces. Let Cb(X, E) be the space of all E-valued bounded, continuous functions on X, equipped with the strict topology β. We develop the Riemman-Stieltjes-type Integral representation theory of (β, || · ||F) -continuous operators T : Cb(X, E) → F with respect to the representing Borel operator measures. For X being a k-space, we characterize strongly bounded (β, || · ||F)-continuous operators T : Cb(X, E) → F. As an application, we...
Ivan Dobrakov, Thiruvaiyaru V. Panchapagesan (2002)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Let be a locally compact Hausdorff space and let be the Banach space of all complex valued continuous functions vanishing at infinity in , provided with the supremum norm. Let be a quasicomplete locally convex Hausdorff space. A simple proof of the theorem on regular Borel extension of -valued -additive Baire measures on is given, which is more natural and direct than the existing ones. Using this result the integral representation and weak compactness of a continuous linear map when...
Alois Kufner, Lars-Erik Persson, Anna Wedestig (2004)
Banach Center Publications
Banach Center Publications
Let E be a Banach function space over a finite and atomless measure space (Ω,Σ,μ) and let and be real Banach spaces. A linear operator T acting from the Köthe-Bochner space E(X) to Y is said to be absolutely continuous if whenever μ(Aₙ) → 0, (Aₙ) ⊂ Σ. In this paper we examine absolutely continuous operators from E(X) to Y. Moreover, we establish relationships between different classes of linear operators from E(X) to Y.
T. Alvarez, R. Cross, A. Gouveia (1995)
Studia Mathematica
Characterisations are obtained for the following classes of unbounded linear operators between normed spaces: weakly compact, weakly completely continuous, and unconditionally converging operators. Examples of closed unbounded operators belonging to these classes are exhibited. A sufficient condition is obtained for the weak compactness of T' to imply that of T.
Robin Harte, Мostafa Мbekhta (1996)
Studia Mathematica
In the normed space of bounded operators between a pair of normed spaces, the set of operators which are "bounded below" forms the interior of the set of one-one operators. This note is concerned with the extension of this observation to certain spaces of pairs of operators.
Ioana Ghenciu, Paul Lewis (2006)
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics
Dunford-Pettis type properties are studied in individual Banach spaces as well as in spaces of operators. Bibasic sequences are used to characterize Banach spaces which fail to have the Dunford-Pettis property. The question of whether a space of operators has a Dunford-Pettis property when the dual of the domain and the codomain have the respective property is studied. The notion of an almost weakly compact operator plays a consistent and important role in this study.
Belmesnaoui Aqzzouz, Jawad H'michane (2012)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
We characterize Banach lattices on which each regular order weakly compact (resp. b-weakly compact, almost Dunford-Pettis, Dunford-Pettis) operator is AM-compact.
Castejón, A., Corbacho, E., Tarieladze, V. (2002)
Georgian Mathematical Journal
Eberhard Malkowsky, Vladimir Rakocević (2000)
Zbornik Radova
Isabelle Chalendar, Jonathan R. Partington (2013)
Concrete Operators
This paper presents an account of some recent approaches to the Invariant Subspace Problem. It contains a brief historical account of the problem, and some more detailed discussions of specific topics, namely, universal operators, the Bishop operators, and Read’s Banach space counter-example involving a finitely strictly singular operator.
Jesús Castillo, Ricardo García, Raquel Gonzalo (1999)
Studia Mathematica
We solve several problems in the theory of polynomials in Banach spaces. (i) There exist Banach spaces without the Dunford-Pettis property and without upper p-estimates in which all multilinear forms are weakly sequentially continuous: some Lorentz sequence spaces, their natural preduals and, most notably, the dual of Schreier's space. (ii) There exist Banach spaces X without the Dunford-Pettis property such that all multilinear forms on X and X* are weakly sequentially continuous; this gives an...
Charles E. Cleaver (1972)
Colloquium Mathematicae
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