Displaying 81 – 100 of 308

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Sobre los operadores desplazamiento bilateral ponderados e invertibles.

Lucas Jódar (1983)


In this paper the analytic-spectral structure of the commutant of an invertible bilateral weighted shift operator is studied, extending known results. A class of operators is introduced, more general than the class of the rationally strictly cyclic bilateral shift [operators] which are not unicellular.

Sobre los operadores desplazamiento ponderados sub-acotados.

Lucas Jódar (1984)


We study the relation between the sets of cyclic vectors of an unilateral bounded below weighted shift operator T and T|S where S is an invariant subspace of T. It is proved that T can not be unicellular and known results are generalized.

Some characterizations of order weakly compact operator

Belmesnaoui Aqzzouz, Aziz Elbour (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

We introduce the notion of order weakly sequentially continuous lattice operations of a Banach lattice, use it to generalize a result regarding the characterization of order weakly compact operators, and establish its converse. Also, we derive some interesting consequences.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 308