An application of the Leray-Schauder degree theory to boundary value problem for third and fourth order differential equations depending on the parameter
We prove a fixed point theorem for Borsuk continuous mappings with spherical values, which extends a previous result. We apply some nonstandard properties of the Stiefel-Whitney classes.
An elliptic PDE is studied which is a perturbation of an autonomous equation. The existence of a nontrivial solution is proven via variational methods. The domain of the equation is unbounded, which imposes a lack of compactness on the variational problem. In addition, a popular monotonicity condition on the nonlinearity is not assumed. In an earlier paper with this assumption, a solution was obtained using a simple application of topological (Brouwer) degree. Here, a more subtle degree...
In this paper we consider a second order differential equation involving the difference of two monotone operators. Using an auxiliary equation, a priori bounds and a compactness argument we show that the differential equation has a local solution. An example is also presented in detail.