A Krasnoselskiĭ cone compression result for multimaps in the S-KKM class.
We give a survey on spectra for various classes of nonlinear operators, with a particular emphasis on a comparison of their advantages and drawbacks. Here the most useful spectra are the asymptotic spectrum by M. Furi, M. Martelli and A. Vignoli (1978), the global spectrum by W. Feng (1997), and the local spectrum (called “phantom”) by P. Santucci and M. Väth (2000). In the last part we discuss these spectra for homogeneous operators (of any degree), and derive a discreteness result and a nonlinear...
Given a nonlinear autonomous system of ordinary or partial differential equations that has at least local existence and uniqueness, we offer a linear condition which is necessary and sufficient for existence to be global. This paper is largely concerned with numerically testing this condition. For larger systems, principals of computations are clear but actual implementation poses considerable challenges. We give examples for smaller systems and discuss challenges related to larger systems. This...
Ky Fan’s minimax inequality [8, Theorem 1] has become a versatile tool in nonlinear and convex analysis. In this paper, we shall first obtain a minimax inequality which generalizes those generalizations of Ky Fan’s minimax inequality due to Allen [1], Yen [18], Tan [16], Bae Kim Tan [3] and Fan himself [9]. Several equivalent forms are then formulated and one of them, the maximal element version, is used to obtain a fixed point theorem which in turn is applied to obtain an existence theorem of an...
We define a modulus for the property (β) of Rolewicz and study some useful properties in fixed point theory for nonexpansive mappings. Moreover, we calculate this modulus in spaces for the main measures of noncompactness.
We prove an existence and multiplicity result for solutions of a nonlinear Urysohn type equation (2.14) by use of the Nielsen and degree theory in an annulus in the function space.
In this paper, a new approach for fuzzy gyronorms on gyrogroups is presented. The relations between fuzzy metrics(in the sense of Morsi), fuzzy gyronorms, gyronorms on gyrogroups are studied. Also, some sufficient conditions, which can make a fuzzy normed gyrogroup to be a topological gyrogroup and a fuzzy topological gyrogroup, are found. Meanwhile, the relations between topological gyrogroups, fuzzy topological gyrogroups and stratified fuzzy topological gyrogroups are studied. Finally, the properties...
Applying a global bifurcation theorem for convex-valued completely continuous mappings we prove some existence theorems for convex-valued differential inclusions of the form x'∈ F(t,x), where x satisfies the Nicoletti boundary conditions.