Displaying 361 – 380 of 389

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Optimality and sensitivity for semilinear bang-bang type optimal control problems

Ursula Felgenhauer (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In optimal control problems with quadratic terminal cost functionals and systems dynamics linear with respect to control, the solution often has a bang-bang character. Our aim is to investigate structural solution stability when the problem data are subject to perturbations. Throughout the paper, we assume that the problem has a (possibly local) optimum such that the control is piecewise constant and almost everywhere takes extremal values. The points of discontinuity are the switching points. In...

Optimality conditions for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints: strongly regular case

Jiří V. Outrata (1999)


The paper deals with mathematical programs, where parameter-dependent nonlinear complementarity problems arise as side constraints. Using the generalized differential calculus for nonsmooth and set-valued mappings due to B. Mordukhovich, we compute the so-called coderivative of the map assigning the parameter the (set of) solutions to the respective complementarity problem. This enables, in particular, to derive useful 1st-order necessary optimality conditions, provided the complementarity problem...

Optimality Conditions for a Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem Using Nonsmooth Analysis

Mohamed Akkouchi, Abdellah Bounabat, Manfred Goebel (2003)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

We study in this paper a Lipschitz control problem associated to a semilinear second order ordinary differential equation with pointwise state constraints. The control acts as a coefficient of the state equation. The nonlinear part of the equation is governed by a Nemytskij operator defined by a Lipschitzian but possibly nonsmooth function. We prove the existence of optimal controls and obtain a necessary optimality conditions looking somehow to the Pontryagin’s maximum principle. These conditions...

Optimality conditions for nonconvex variational problems relaxed in terms of Young measures

Tomáš Roubíček (1998)


The scalar nonconvex variational problems of the minimum-energy type on Sobolev spaces are studied. As the Euler–Lagrange equation dramatically looses selectivity when extended in terms of the Young measures, the correct optimality conditions are sought by means of the convex compactification theory. It turns out that these conditions basically combine one part from the Euler–Lagrange equation with one part from the Weierstrass condition.

Optimization and identification of nonlinear uncertain systems

Jong Yeoul Park, Yong Han Kang, Il Hyo Jung (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we consider the optimal control of both operators and parameters for uncertain systems. For the optimal control and identification problem, we show existence of an optimal solution and present necessary conditions of optimality.

Optimization approaches to some problems of building design

Jiří Vala, Petra Jarošová (2018)

Applications of Mathematics

Advanced building design is a rather new interdisciplinary research branch, combining knowledge from physics, engineering, art and social science; its support from both theoretical and computational mathematics is needed. This paper shows an example of such collaboration, introducing a model problem of optimal heating in a low-energy house. Since all particular function values, needed for optimization are obtained as numerical solutions of an initial and boundary value problem for a sparse system...

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 389