Anti-symmetric hamiltonians (II) : variational resolutions for Navier-Stokes and other nonlinear evolutions
The problem of a unilateral contact between elastic bodies with an apriori bounded contact zone is formulated in terms of stresses via the principle of complementary energy. Approximations are defined by means of self-equilibriated triangular block-elements and an -error estimate is proven provided the exact solution is regular enough.
This paper deals with a nonlinear beam model which was published by D. Y. Gao in 1996. It is considered either pure bending or a unilateral contact with elastic foundation, where the normal compliance condition is employed. Under additional assumptions on data, higher regularity of solution is proved. It enables us to transform the problem into a control variational problem. For basic types of boundary conditions, suitable transformations of the problem are derived. The control variational problem...
An equilibrium triangular block-element, proposed by Watwood and Hartz, is subjected to an analysis and its approximability property is proved. If the solution is regular enough, a quasi-optimal error estimate follows for the dual approximation to the mixed boundary value problem of elasticity (based on Castigliano's principle). The convergence is proved even in a general case, when the solution is not regular.
This paper addresses analytical investigations of degenerating PDE systems for phase separation and damage processes considered on nonsmooth time-dependent domains with mixed boundary conditions for the displacement field. The evolution of the system is described by a degenerating Cahn-Hilliard equation for the concentration, a doubly nonlinear differential inclusion for the damage variable and a quasi-static balance equation for the displacement field. The analysis is performed on a time-dependent...
Rate-independent problems are considered, where the stored energy density is a function of the gradient. The stored energy density may not be quasiconvex and is assumed to grow linearly. Moreover, arbitrary behaviour at infinity is allowed. In particular, the stored energy density is not required to coincide at infinity with a positively 1-homogeneous function. The existence of a rate-independent process is shown in the so-called energetic formulation.
In this work, we communicate the topic of complex Lie algebroids based on the extended fractional calculus of variations in the complex plane. The complexified Euler-Lagrange geodesics and Wong's fractional equations are derived. Many interesting consequences are explored.
Internal parameters, eigenstrains, or eigenstresses, arise in functionally graded materials, which are typically present in particulate, layered, or rock bodies. These parameters may be realized in different ways, e.g., by prestressing, temperature changes, effects of wetting, swelling, they may also represent inelastic strains, etc. In order to clarify the use of eigenparameters (eigenstrains or eigenstresses) in physical description, the classical formulation of elasticity is presented, and the...
We consider general surface energies, which are weighted integrals over a closed surface with a weight function depending on the position, the unit normal and the mean curvature of the surface. Energies of this form have applications in many areas, such as materials science, biology and image processing. Often one is interested in finding a surface that minimizes such an energy, which entails finding its first variation with respect to perturbations of the surface. We present a concise derivation...
We consider general surface energies, which are weighted integrals over a closed surface with a weight function depending on the position, the unit normal and the mean curvature of the surface. Energies of this form have applications in many areas, such as materials science, biology and image processing. Often one is interested in finding a surface that minimizes such an energy, which entails finding its first variation with respect to perturbations of the surface. We present a concise derivation...