Canonical equiaffine hypersurfaces in R n + 1.
In this paper we discuss planar quadrilateral (PQ) nets as discrete models for convex affine surfaces. As a main result, we prove a necessary and sufficient condition for a PQ net to admit a Lelieuvre co-normal vector field. Particular attention is given to the class of surfaces with discrete harmonic co-normals, which we call discrete affine minimal surfaces, and the subclass of surfaces with co-planar discrete harmonic co-normals, which we call discrete improper affine spheres. Within this classes,...
We relate centroaffine immersions to horizontal immersions g of Mⁿ into or . We also show that f is an equiaffine sphere, i.e. the centroaffine normal is a constant multiple of the Blaschke normal, if and only if g is minimal.
We give a characterization of compact subsets of finite unions of disjoint finite-length curves in ℝⁿ with ω-continuous derivative and without self-intersections. Intuitively, our condition can be formulated as follows: there exists a finite set of regular curves covering a compact set K iff every triple of points of K behaves like a triple of points of a regular curve. This work was inspired by theorems by Jones, Okikiolu, Schul and others that characterize compact subsets of...
The family of cones is one of typical models of non-cylindrical ruled surfaces. Among them, the circular cones are unique in the sense that their Gauss map satisfies a partial differential equation similar, though not identical, to one characterizing the so-called 1-type submanifolds. Specifically, for the Gauss map G of a circular cone, one has ΔG = f(G+C), where Δ is the Laplacian operator, f is a non-zero function and C is a constant vector. We prove that circular cones are characterized by being...
Each oval and a natural number n ≥ 3 generate an annulus which possesses the Poncelet's porism property. A necessary and sufficient condition of existence of circuminscribed n-gons in an annulus is given.
We give a method based on an idea of O. Veblen which gives explicit formulas for the covariant derivatives of natural objects in terms of the Christoffel symbols of a symmetric Ehresmann -connection.