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Differential forms, Weitzenböck formulae and foliations.

Hansklaus Rummler (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The Weitzenböck formulae express the Laplacian of a differential form on an oriented Riemannian manifold in local coordinates, using the covariant derivatives of the form and the coefficients of the curvature tensor. In the first part, we shall describe a certain "differential algebra formalism" which seems to be a more natural frame for those formulae than the usual calculations in local coordinates.In this formalism there appear some interesting differential operators which may also be used to...

Differential geometrical relations for a class of formal series

Alexandr Baranovitch (1997)

Banach Center Publications

An extension of the category of local manifolds is considered. Instead of smooth mappings of neighbourhoods of linear spaces as morphisms we deal with formal operator power series (or formal maps). Analogues of the objects appearing on smooth manifolds and vector bundles (vector fields, sections of a bundle, exterior forms, the de Rham complex, connection, etc.) are considered in this way. All the examinations are carried out in algebraic language, for we do not care about the convergence of formal...

Discrétisation de zeta-déterminants d’opérateurs de Schrödinger sur le tore

Laurent Chaumard (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous donnons ici deux résultats sur le déterminant ζ -régularisé det ζ A d’un opérateur de Schrödinger A = Δ g + V sur une variété compacte . Nous construisons, pour = S 1 × S 1 , une suite ( G n , ρ n , Δ n ) G n est un graphe fini qui se plonge dans via ρ n de telle manière que ρ n ( G n ) soit une triangulation de et où  Δ n est un laplacien discret sur G n tel que pour tout potentiel V sur , la suite de réels det ( Δ n + V ) converge après renormalisation vers det ζ ( Δ g + V ) . Enfin, nous donnons sur toute variété riemannienne compacte ( , g ) de dimension inférieure ou égale à 3 ...

Distinguished geodesics and jacobi fields on first order jet spaces

Vladimir Balan, Nicoleta Voicu (2004)

Open Mathematics

In the framework of jet spaces endowed with a non-linear connection, the special curves of these spaces (h-paths, v-paths, stationary curves and geodesics) which extend the corresponding notions from Riemannian geometry are characterized. The main geometric objects and the paths are described and, in the case when the vertical metric is independent of fiber coordinates, the first two variations of energy and the extended Jacobi field equations are derived.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 43