Convergencia En Relacion.
We are inspired by the work of Henri Cartan [16], Bourbaki [10] (TG. I Filtres) and Claude Wagschal [34]. We define the base of filter, image filter, convergent filter bases, limit filter and the filter base of tails (fr: filtre des sections).
In this paper, two kinds of remote neighborhood operators in -fuzzy convex spaces are proposed, which are called convex -fuzzy remote neighborhood operators. It is proved that these two kinds of convex -fuzzy remote neighborhood operators can be used to characterize -fuzzy convex structures. In addition, the lattice structures of two kinds of convex -fuzzy remote neighborhood operators are also given.
For , we say that is quasi -compact, if for every there is such that , where is the Stone-Čech extension of . In this context, a space is countably compact iff is quasi -compact. If is quasi -compact and is either finite or countable discrete in , then all powers of are countably compact. Assuming , we give an example of a countable subset and a quasi -compact space whose square is not countably compact, and show that in a model of A. Blass and S. Shelah every quasi...
Countable tightness is compared to the stronger notion of countable fan-tightness. In particular, we prove that countable tightness is equivalent to countable fan-tightness in countably compact regular spaces, and that countable fan-tightness is preserved by pseudo-open compact mappings. We also discuss the behaviour of countable tightness and of countable fan-tightness under the product operation.
We investigate the role that weak forms of the axiom of choice play in countable Tychonoff products, as well as countable disjoint unions, of Loeb and selective metric spaces.
A space X is called an α-Toronto space if X is scattered of Cantor-Bendixson rank α and is homeomorphic to each of its subspaces of the same rank. We answer a question of Steprāns by constructing a countable α-Toronto space for each α ≤ ω. We also construct consistent examples of countable α-Toronto spaces for each .
We present a construction from ♢* of a first countable, regular, countably metacompact space with a closed discrete subspace that is not a . In addition some nonperfect spaces with σ-disjoint bases are constructed.