Dedekind cuts in C(X)
The aim of this paper is to show that every Hausdorff continuous interval-valued function on a completely regular topological space X corresponds to a Dedekind cut in C(X) and conversely.
The aim of this paper is to show that every Hausdorff continuous interval-valued function on a completely regular topological space X corresponds to a Dedekind cut in C(X) and conversely.
Jachymski showed that the set is either a meager subset of or is equal to . In the paper we generalize this result by considering more general spaces than , namely , the space of all continuous functions which vanish at infinity, and , the space of all continuous bounded functions. Moreover, we replace the meagerness by -porosity.
Let be the space of continuous real-valued functions on X, with the topology of pointwise convergence. We consider the following three properties of a space X: (a) is Scott-domain representable; (b) is domain representable; (c) X is discrete. We show that those three properties are mutually equivalent in any normal T₁-space, and that properties (a) and (c) are equivalent in any completely regular pseudo-normal space. For normal spaces, this generalizes the recent result of Tkachuk that is...