A new metrization theorem
We give a new metrization theorem on terms of a new structure introduced by the authors in [2] and called fractal structure. As a Corollary we obtain Nagata-Smirnovs and Uryshons metrization Theorems.
We give a new metrization theorem on terms of a new structure introduced by the authors in [2] and called fractal structure. As a Corollary we obtain Nagata-Smirnovs and Uryshons metrization Theorems.
It is independent of the usual (ZFC) axioms of set theory whether every collectionwise Hausdorff tree is either metrizable or has an uncountable chain. We show that even if we add “or has an Aronszajn subtree,” the statement remains ZFC-independent. This is done by constructing a tree as in the title, using the set-theoretic hypothesis , which holds in Gödel’s Constructible Universe.
Costruiamo uno spazio nontransitivo analogo al piano di Kofner. Mentre gli argomenti usati per la costruzione del piano di Kofner si fondano su riflessioni geometriche, le nostre prove si basano su idee combinatorie.
In this paper, the relationships between metric spaces and -metrizable spaces are established in terms of certain quotient mappings, which is an answer to Alexandroff’s problems.
We consider the question of simultaneous extension of partial ultrametrics, i.e. continuous ultrametrics defined on nonempty closed subsets of a compact zero-dimensional metrizable space. The main result states that there exists a continuous extension operator that preserves the maximum operation. This extension can also be chosen so that it preserves the Assouad dimension.
In this paper, we give the mapping theorems on -spaces and -metrizable spaces by means of some sequence-covering mappings, mssc-mappings and -mappings.
A topological space is said to be star Lindelöf if for any open cover of there is a Lindelöf subspace such that . The “extent” of is the supremum of the cardinalities of closed discrete subsets of . We prove that under every star Lindelöf, first countable and normal space must have countable extent. We also obtain an example under , which shows that a star Lindelöf, first countable and normal space may not have countable extent.
A question raised in R. G. Woods' paper has a simple solution.