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On some classes of spaces with the D -property

Juan Carlos Martínez (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall prove that under CH every regular meta-Lindelöf P -space which is locally D has the D -property. In addition, we shall prove that a regular submeta-Lindelöf P -space is D if it is locally D and has locally extent at most ω 1 . Moreover, these results can be extended from the class of locally D -spaces to the wider class of 𝔻 -scattered spaces. Also, we shall give a direct proof (without using topological games) of the result shown by Peng [On spaces which are D, linearly D and transitively D, Topology...

Pasting topological spaces at one point

Ali Rezaei Aliabad (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let { X α } α Λ be a family of topological spaces and x α X α , for every α Λ . Suppose X is the quotient space of the disjoint union of X α ’s by identifying x α ’s as one point σ . We try to characterize ideals of C ( X ) according to the same ideals of C ( X α ) ’s. In addition we generalize the concept of rank of a point, see [9], and then answer the following two algebraic questions. Let m be an infinite cardinal. (1) Is there any ring R and I an ideal in R such that I is an irreducible intersection of m prime ideals? (2) Is there...

SP-scattered spaces; a new generalization of scattered spaces

Melvin Henriksen, Robert M. Raphael, Grant R. Woods (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The set of isolated points (resp. P -points) of a Tychonoff space X is denoted by Is ( X ) (resp. P ( X ) ) . Recall that X is said to be scattered if Is ( A ) whenever A X . If instead we require only that P ( A ) has nonempty interior whenever A X , we say that X is SP-scattered. Many theorems about scattered spaces hold or have analogs for SP-scattered spaces. For example, the union of a locally finite collection of SP-scattered spaces is SP-scattered. Some known theorems about Lindelöf or paracompact scattered spaces hold also...

Subgroups and products of -factorizable P -groups

Constancio Hernández, Mihail G. Tkachenko (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that every subgroup of an -factorizable abelian P -group is topologically isomorphic to a closed subgroup of another -factorizable abelian P -group. This implies that closed subgroups of -factorizable P -groups are not necessarily -factorizable. We also prove that if a Hausdorff space Y of countable pseudocharacter is a continuous image of a product X = i I X i of P -spaces and the space X is pseudo- ω 1 -compact, then n w ( Y ) 0 . In particular, direct products of -factorizable P -groups are -factorizable and...

Subgroups of -factorizable groups

Constancio Hernández, Mihail G. Tkachenko (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The properties of -factorizable groups and their subgroups are studied. We show that a locally compact group G is -factorizable if and only if G is σ -compact. It is proved that a subgroup H of an -factorizable group G is -factorizable if and only if H is z -embedded in G . Therefore, a subgroup of an -factorizable group need not be -factorizable, and we present a method for constructing non- -factorizable dense subgroups of a special class of -factorizable groups. Finally, we construct a closed...

The elementary-equivalence classes of clopen algebras of P-spaces

Brian Wynne (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Two Boolean algebras are elementarily equivalent if and only if they satisfy the same first-order statements in the language of Boolean algebras. We prove that every Boolean algebra is elementarily equivalent to the algebra of clopen subsets of a normal P-space.

The σ -property in C ( X )

Anthony W. Hager (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The σ -property of a Riesz space (real vector lattice) B is: For each sequence { b n } of positive elements of B , there is a sequence { λ n } of positive reals, and b B , with λ n b n b for each n . This condition is involved in studies in Riesz spaces of abstract Egoroff-type theorems, and of the countable lifting property. Here, we examine when “ σ ” obtains for a Riesz space of continuous real-valued functions C ( X ) . A basic result is: For discrete X , C ( X ) has σ iff the cardinal | X | < 𝔟 , Rothberger’s bounding number. Consequences and...

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