Means on scattered compacta
We prove that a separable Hausdor_ topological space X containing a cocountable subset homeomorphic to [0, ω1] admits no separately continuous mean operation and no diagonally continuous n-mean for n ≥ 2.
We prove that a separable Hausdor_ topological space X containing a cocountable subset homeomorphic to [0, ω1] admits no separately continuous mean operation and no diagonally continuous n-mean for n ≥ 2.
We consider the question of when , where is the elementary submodel topology on X ∩ M, especially in the case when is compact.
A scadic space is a Hausdorff continuous image of a product of compact scattered spaces. We complete a theorem begun by G. Chertanov that will establish that for each scadic space X, χ(X) = w(X). A ξ-adic space is a Hausdorff continuous image of a product of compact ordinal spaces. We introduce an either-or chain condition called Property which we show is satisfied by all ξ-adic spaces. Whereas Property is productive, we show that a weaker (but more natural) Property is not productive. Polyadic...
Given a compact Hausdorff space K we consider the Banach space of real continuous functions C(Kⁿ) or equivalently the n-fold injective tensor product or the Banach space of vector valued continuous functions C(K,C(K,C(K...,C(K)...). We address the question of the existence of complemented copies of c₀(ω₁) in under the hypothesis that C(K) contains such a copy. This is related to the results of E. Saab and P. Saab that contains a complemented copy of c₀ if one of the infinite-dimensional Banach...
By studying dimensional types of metric scattered spaces, we consider the wider class of metric σ-discrete spaces. Applying techniques relevant to this wider class, we present new proofs of some embeddable properties of countable metric spaces in such a way that they can be generalized onto uncountable metric scattered spaces. Related topics are also explored, which gives a few new results.
Let ω denote the set of natural numbers. We prove: for every mod-finite ascending chain of infinite subsets of ω, there exists , an infinite maximal almost disjoint family (MADF) of infinite subsets of the natural numbers, such that the Stone-Čech remainder βψ∖ψ of the associated ψ-space, ψ = ψ(ω,ℳ ), is homeomorphic to λ + 1 with the order topology. We also prove that for every λ < ⁺, where is the tower number, there exists a mod-finite ascending chain , hence a ψ-space with Stone-Čech remainder...
We extend van Mill-Wattel's results and show that each countably compact completely regular space with a continuous selection on couples is suborderable. The result extends also to pseudocompact spaces if they are either scattered, first countable, or connected. An infinite pseudocompact topological group with such a continuous selection is homeomorphic to the Cantor set. A zero-selection is a selection on the hyperspace of closed sets which chooses always an isolated point of a set. Extending Fujii-Nogura...
We provide a characterization of continuous images of Radon-Nikodým compacta lying in a product of real lines and model on it a method for constructing natural examples of such continuous images.
The class of quasi Radon-Nikodým compact spaces is introduced. We prove that this class is closed under countable products and continuous images. It includes the Radon-Nikodým compact spaces. Adapting Alster's proof we show that every quasi Radon-Nikodým and Corson compact space is Eberlein. This generalizes earlier results by J. Orihuela, W. Schachermayer, M. Valdivia and C. Stegall. Further the class of almost totally disconnected spaces is defined and it is shown that every quasi Radon-Nikodým...
The set of isolated points (resp. -points) of a Tychonoff space is denoted by (resp. . Recall that is said to be scattered if whenever . If instead we require only that has nonempty interior whenever , we say that is SP-scattered. Many theorems about scattered spaces hold or have analogs for SP-scattered spaces. For example, the union of a locally finite collection of SP-scattered spaces is SP-scattered. Some known theorems about Lindelöf or paracompact scattered spaces hold also...
We prove that (A) if a countably compact space is the union of countably many subspaces then it is compact; (B) if a compact space is the union of fewer than = left-separated subspaces then it is scattered. Both (A) and (B) improve results of Tkačenko from 1979; (A) also answers a question that was raised by Arhangel’skiǐ and improves a result of Gruenhage.
For suitable topological spaces X and Y, given a continuous function f:X → Y and a point x ∈ X, one can determine the value of f(x) from the values of f on a deleted neighborhood of x by taking the limit of f. If f is not required to be continuous, it is impossible to determine f(x) from this information (provided |Y| ≥ 2), but as the author and Alan Taylor showed in 2009, there is nevertheless a means of guessing f(x), called the μ-predictor, that will be correct except on a small set; specifically,...
For a given space X let C(X) be the family of all compact subsets of X. A space X is dominated by a space M if X has an M-ordered compact cover, this means that there exists a family F = FK : K ∈ C(M) ⊂ C(X) such that ∪ F = X and K ⊂ L implies that FK ⊂ FL for any K;L ∈ C(M). A space X is strongly dominated by a space M if there exists an M-ordered compact cover F such that for any compact K ⊂ X there is F ∈ F such that K ⊂ F . Let K(X) D C(X){Øbe the set of all nonempty compact subsets of a space...