Displaying 21 – 40 of 55

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On hereditary normality of ω * , Kunen points and character ω 1

Sergei Logunov (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that ω * { p } is not normal, if p is a limit point of some countable subset of ω * , consisting of points of character ω 1 . Moreover, such a point p is a Kunen point and a super Kunen point.

On Mazurkiewicz sets

Marta N. Charatonik, Włodzimierz J. Charatonik (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A Mazurkiewicz set M is a subset of a plane with the property that each straight line intersects M in exactly two points. We modify the original construction to obtain a Mazurkiewicz set which does not contain vertices of an equilateral triangle or a square. This answers some questions by L.D. Loveland and S.M. Loveland. We also use similar methods to construct a bounded noncompact, nonconnected generalized Mazurkiewicz set.

On metric σ-discrete spaces

Szymon Plewik, Marta Walczyńska (2016)

Banach Center Publications

By studying dimensional types of metric scattered spaces, we consider the wider class of metric σ-discrete spaces. Applying techniques relevant to this wider class, we present new proofs of some embeddable properties of countable metric spaces in such a way that they can be generalized onto uncountable metric scattered spaces. Related topics are also explored, which gives a few new results.

On non-normality points, Tychonoff products and Suslin number

Sergei Logunov (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let a space X be Tychonoff product α < τ X α of τ -many Tychonoff nonsingle point spaces X α . Let Suslin number of X be strictly less than the cofinality of τ . Then we show that every point of remainder is a non-normality point of its Čech–Stone compactification β X . In particular, this is true if X is either R τ or ω τ and a cardinal τ is infinite and not countably cofinal.

On quasi-p-bounded subsets

M. Sanchis, A. Tamariz-Mascarúa (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The notion of quasi-p-boundedness for p ∈ ω * is introduced and investigated. We characterize quasi-p-pseudocompact subsets of β(ω) containing ω, and we show that the concepts of RK-compatible ultrafilter and P-point in ω * can be defined in terms of quasi-p-pseudocompactness. For p ∈ ω * , we prove that a subset B of a space X is quasi-p-bounded in X if and only if B × P R K ( p ) is bounded in X × P R K ( p ) , if and only if c l β ( X × P R K ( p ) ) ( B × P R K ( p ) ) = c l β X B × β ( ω ) , where P R K ( p ) is the set of Rudin-Keisler predecessors of p.

On some classes of spaces with the D -property

Juan Carlos Martínez (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall prove that under CH every regular meta-Lindelöf P -space which is locally D has the D -property. In addition, we shall prove that a regular submeta-Lindelöf P -space is D if it is locally D and has locally extent at most ω 1 . Moreover, these results can be extended from the class of locally D -spaces to the wider class of 𝔻 -scattered spaces. Also, we shall give a direct proof (without using topological games) of the result shown by Peng [On spaces which are D, linearly D and transitively D, Topology...

On Szymański theorem on hereditary normality of β ω

Sergei Logunov (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss the following result of A. Szymański in “Retracts and non-normality points" (2012), Corollary 3.5.: If F is a closed subspace of ω * and the π -weight of F is countable, then every nonisolated point of F is a non-normality point of ω * . We obtain stronger results for all types of points, excluding the limits of countable discrete sets considered in “Some non-normal subspaces of the Čech–Stone compactification of a discrete space” (1980) by A. Błaszczyk and A. Szymański. Perhaps our proofs...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 55