Displaying 241 – 260 of 331

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Parametrized Cichoń's diagram and small sets

Janusz Pawlikowski, Ireneusz Recław (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We parametrize Cichoń’s diagram and show how cardinals from Cichoń’s diagram yield classes of small sets of reals. For instance, we show that there exist subsets N and M of w w × 2 w and continuous functions e , f : w w w w such that  • N is G δ and N x : x w w , the collection of all vertical sections of N, is a basis for the ideal of measure zero subsets of 2 w ;  • M is F σ and M x : x w w is a basis for the ideal of meager subsets of 2 w ;  • x , y N e ( x ) N y M x M f ( y ) . From this we derive that for a separable metric space X,  •if for all Borel (resp. G δ ) sets B X × 2 w with all...

PCA sets and convexity

R. Kaufman (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Three sets occurring in functional analysis are shown to be of class PCA (also called Σ 2 1 ) and to be exactly of that class. The definition of each set is close to the usual objects of modern analysis, but some subtlety causes the sets to have a greater complexity than expected. Recent work in a similar direction is in [1, 2, 10, 11, 12].

Pointwise convergence and the Wadge hierarchy

Alessandro Andretta, Alberto Marcone (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that if X is a Σ 1 1 separable metrizable space which is not σ -compact then C p * ( X ) , the space of bounded real-valued continuous functions on X with the topology of pointwise convergence, is Borel- Π 1 1 -complete. Assuming projective determinacy we show that if X is projective not σ -compact and n is least such that X is Σ n 1 then C p ( X ) , the space of real-valued continuous functions on X with the topology of pointwise convergence, is Borel- Π n 1 -complete. We also prove a simultaneous improvement of theorems of Christensen...

Preservation of the Borel class under open-LC functions

Alexey Ostrovsky (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a Borel subset of the Cantor set C of additive or multiplicative class α, and f: X → Y be a continuous function onto Y ⊂ C with compact preimages of points. If the image f(U) of every clopen set U is the intersection of an open and a closed set, then Y is a Borel set of the same class α. This result generalizes similar results for open and closed functions.

Quasi-bounded trees and analytic inductions

Jean Saint Raymond (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A tree T on ω is said to be cofinal if for every α ω ω there is some branch β of T such that α ≤ β, and quasi-bounded otherwise. We prove that the set of quasi-bounded trees is a complete Σ¹₁-inductive set. In particular, it is neither analytic nor co-analytic.


Alexey Ostrovsky (2005)

Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica

Ramsey, Lebesgue, and Marczewski sets and the Baire property

Patrick Reardon (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate the completely Ramsey, Lebesgue, and Marczewski σ-algebras and their relations to the Baire property in the Ellentuck and density topologies. Two theorems concerning the Marczewski σ-algebra (s) are presented.  THEOREM. In the density topology D, (s) coincides with the σ-algebra of Lebesgue measurable sets.  THEOREM. In the Ellentuck topology on [ ω ] ω , ( s ) 0 is a proper subset of the hereditary ideal associated with (s).  We construct an example in the Ellentuck topology of a set which is...

Recent developments in the theory of Borel reducibility

Greg Hjorth, Alexander S. Kechris (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let E₀ be the Vitali equivalence relation and E₃ the product of countably many copies of E₀. Two new dichotomy theorems for Borel equivalence relations are proved. First, for any Borel equivalence relation E that is (Borel) reducible to E₃, either E is reducible to E₀ or else E₃ is reducible to E. Second, if E is a Borel equivalence relation induced by a Borel action of a closed subgroup of the infinite symmetric group that admits an invariant metric, then either E is reducible to a countable...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 331