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Cardinal invariants of paratopological groups

Iván Sánchez (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

We show that a regular totally ω-narrow paratopological group G has countable index of regularity, i.e., for every neighborhood U of the identity e of G, we can find a neighborhood V of e and a countable family of neighborhoods of e in G such that ∩W∈γ VW−1⊆ U. We prove that every regular (Hausdorff) totally !-narrow paratopological group is completely regular (functionally Hausdorff). We show that the index of regularity of a regular paratopological group is less than or equal to the weak Lindelöf...

Cellularity and the index of narrowness in topological groups

Mihail G. Tkachenko (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study relations between the cellularity and index of narrowness in topological groups and their G δ -modifications. We show, in particular, that the inequalities in ( ( H ) τ ) 2 τ · in ( H ) and c ( ( H ) τ ) 2 2 τ · in ( H ) hold for every topological group H and every cardinal τ ω , where ( H ) τ denotes the underlying group H endowed with the G τ -modification of the original topology of H and in ( H ) is the index of narrowness of the group H . Also, we find some bounds for the complexity of continuous real-valued functions f on an arbitrary ω -narrow group G understood...

Cellularity of a space of subgroups of a discrete group

Arkady G. Leiderman, Igor V. Protasov (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a discrete group G , we consider the set ( G ) of all subgroups of G endowed with topology of pointwise convergence arising from the standard embedding of ( G ) into the Cantor cube { 0 , 1 } G . We show that the cellularity c ( ( G ) ) 0 for every abelian group G , and, for every infinite cardinal τ , we construct a group G with c ( ( G ) ) = τ .

Compactifications of ℕ and Polishable subgroups of S

Todor Tsankov (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study homeomorphism groups of metrizable compactifications of ℕ. All of those groups can be represented as almost zero-dimensional Polishable subgroups of the group S . As a corollary, we show that all Polish groups are continuous homomorphic images of almost zero-dimensional Polishable subgroups of S . We prove a sufficient condition for these groups to be one-dimensional and also study their descriptive complexity. In the last section we associate with every Polishable ideal on ℕ a certain Polishable...

Complete 0 -bounded groups need not be -factorizable

Mihail G. Tkachenko (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We present an example of a complete 0 -bounded topological group H which is not -factorizable. In addition, every G δ -set in the group H is open, but H is not Lindelöf.

Condensations of Tychonoff universal topological algebras

Constancio Hernández (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let ( L , 𝒯 ) be a Tychonoff (regular) paratopological group or algebra over a field or ring K or a topological semigroup. If nw ( L , 𝒯 ) τ and nw ( K ) τ , then there exists a Tychonoff (regular) topology 𝒯 * 𝒯 such that w ( L , 𝒯 * ) τ and ( L , 𝒯 * ) is a paratopological group, algebra over K or a topological semigroup respectively.

Connected LCA groups are sequentially connected

Shou Lin, Mihail G. Tkachenko (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that every connected locally compact Abelian topological group is sequentially connected, i.e., it cannot be the union of two proper disjoint sequentially closed subsets. This fact is then applied to the study of extensions of topological groups. We show, in particular, that if H is a connected locally compact Abelian subgroup of a Hausdorff topological group G and the quotient space G / H is sequentially connected, then so is G .

Connectedness and local connectedness of topological groups and extensions

Ofelia Teresa Alas, Mihail G. Tkachenko, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk, Richard Gordon Wilson (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is shown that both the free topological group F ( X ) and the free Abelian topological group A ( X ) on a connected locally connected space X are locally connected. For the Graev’s modification of the groups F ( X ) and A ( X ) , the corresponding result is more symmetric: the groups F Γ ( X ) and A Γ ( X ) are connected and locally connected if X is. However, the free (Abelian) totally bounded group F T B ( X ) (resp., A T B ( X ) ) is not locally connected no matter how “good” a space X is. The above results imply that every non-trivial continuous homomorphism...

Constructing universally small subsets of a given packing index in Polish groups

Taras Banakh, Nadya Lyaskovska (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A subset of a Polish space X is called universally small if it belongs to each ccc σ-ideal with Borel base on X. Under CH in each uncountable Abelian Polish group G we construct a universally small subset A₀ ⊂ G such that |A₀ ∩ gA₀| = for each g ∈ G. For each cardinal number κ ∈ [5,⁺] the set A₀ contains a universally small subset A of G with sharp packing index p a c k ( A κ ) = s u p | | : g A g G i s d i s j o i n t equal to κ.

Continuous actions of pseudocompact groups and axioms of topological group

Alexander V. Korovin (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we show that it is possible to extend the Ellis theorem, establishing the relations between axioms of a topological group on a new class 𝒩 of spaces containing all countably compact spaces in the case of Abelian group structure. We extend statements of the Ellis theorem concerning separate and joint continuity of group inverse on the class of spaces 𝒩 that gives some new examples and statements for the C p -theory and theory of topologically homogeneous spaces.

Diagonals and discrete subsets of squares

Dennis Burke, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In 2008 Juhász and Szentmiklóssy established that for every compact space X there exists a discrete D X × X with | D | = d ( X ) . We generalize this result in two directions: the first one is to prove that the same holds for any Lindelöf Σ -space X and hence X ω is d -separable. We give an example of a countably compact space X such that X ω is not d -separable. On the other hand, we show that for any Lindelöf p -space X there exists a discrete subset D X × X such that Δ = { ( x , x ) : x X } D ¯ ; in particular, the diagonal Δ is a retract of D ¯ and the projection...

Embedding a topological group into a connected group

Ryo Ohashi (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It was proved in [HM] that each topological group (G,·,τ) may be embedded into a connected topological group (Ĝ,•,τ̂). In fact, two methods of introducing τ̂ were given. In this note we show relations between them.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 145