On two open problems of contractive mappings.
We review some aspects of recurrence in topological dynamics and focus on two open problems. The first is an old one concerning the relation between Poincaré and Birkhoff recurrence; the second, due to the first author, is about moving recurrence. We provide a partial answer to a topological version of the moving recurrence problem.
Suppose a metrizable separable space Y is sigma hereditarily disconnected, i.e., it is a countable union of hereditarily disconnected subspaces. We prove that the countable power of any subspace X ⊂ Y is not universal for the class ₂ of absolute -sets; moreover, if Y is an absolute -set, then contains no closed topological copy of the Nagata space = W(I,ℙ); if Y is an absolute -set, then contains no closed copy of the Smirnov space σ = W(I,0). On the other hand, the countable power of...
It is shown that for every integer n the (2n+1)th power of any locally path-connected metrizable space of the first Baire category is 𝓐₁[n]-universal, i.e., contains a closed topological copy of each at most n-dimensional metrizable σ-compact space. Also a one-dimensional σ-compact absolute retract X is found such that the power X^{n+1} is 𝓐₁[n]-universal for every n.
We show that if T is an uncountable Polish space, 𝓧 is a metrizable space and f:T→ 𝓧 is a weakly Baire measurable function, then we can find a meagre set M ⊆ T such that f[T∖M] is a separable space. We also give an example showing that "metrizable" cannot be replaced by "normal".
We introduce and study -embedded sets and apply them to generalize the Kuratowski Extension Theorem.
We prove that every 3-generalized metric space is metrizable. We also show that for any ʋ with ʋ ≥ 4, not every ʋ-generalized metric space has a compatible symmetric topology.