Graded Riemann surfaces and Krichever-Novikov algebras
We introduce various classes of local maps: gradient, gradient-like, proper etc. We prove Parusiński's theorem for otopy classes of gradient local maps.
The homology theory of colored posets, defined by B. Everitt and P. Turner, is generalized. Two graph categories are defined and Khovanov type graph cohomology are interpreted as Ext* groups in functor categories associated to these categories. The connection, described by J. H. Przytycki, between the Hochschild homology of an algebra and the graph cohomology, defined for the same algebra and a cyclic graph, is explained from the point of view of homological algebra in functor categories.
We study the homology of the fixed point set on a rational homology sphere under the action of a finite group.
Let M be a manifold with a regular foliation F. We recall the construction of the fundamental groupoid and the homotopy groupoid associated to F. We describe some interesting particular cases and give some glueing techniques. We characterize the cases where these groupoids are Hausdorff spaces.We study in particular both groupoids associated to foliations with Reeb components.