Globular realization and cubical underlying homotopy type of time flow of process algebra.
In this paper, we show how certain “stability phenomena” in unpointed model categories provide the sets of homotopy classes with a canonical structure of an abelian heap, i.e. an abelian group without a choice of a zero. In contrast with the classical situation of stable (pointed) model categories, these sets can be empty.
Using the algebraic theory of homotopies between maps of dga's we obtain a homotopy theory for algebraic structures defined by collections of multiplications and comultiplications. This is done by expressing these structures and resolved versions of them in terms of dga maps. This same homotopy theory of dga maps applies to extract invariants beyond homological periods from systems of moduli spaces that determine systems of chains that satisfy master equations like dX + X*X = 0. Minimal models of...
Ces notes sont consacrées à la construction des limites homotopiques, et plus généralement, des images directes cohomologiques dans une catégorie de modèles arbitraire admettant des petites limites projectives. En outre, la théorie des dérivateurs de Grothendieck est introduite, à la fois en tant que motivation pour l’étude de telles structures, et en tant qu’outil de démonstration.