Displaying 101 – 120 of 328

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Explicit cogenerators for the homotopy category of projective modules over a ring

Amnon Neeman (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let R be a ring. In two previous articles [12, 14] we studied the homotopy category 𝐊 ( R - Proj ) of projective R -modules. We produced a set of generators for this category, proved that the category is 1 -compactly generated for any ring R , and showed that it need not always be compactly generated, but is for sufficiently nice R . We furthermore analyzed the inclusion j ! : 𝐊 ( R - Proj ) 𝐊 ( R - Flat ) and the orthogonal subcategory 𝒮 = 𝐊 ( R - Proj ) . And we even showed that the inclusion 𝒮 𝐊 ( R - Flat ) has a right adjoint; this forces some natural map to be an equivalence...

Extensions of hom-Lie algebras in terms of cohomology

Abdoreza R. Armakan, Mohammed Reza Farhangdoost (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study (non-abelian) extensions of a given hom-Lie algebra and provide a geometrical interpretation of extensions, in particular, we characterize an extension of a hom-Lie algebra 𝔤 by another hom-Lie algebra 𝔥 and discuss the case where 𝔥 has no center. We also deal with the setting of covariant exterior derivatives, Chevalley derivative, Maurer-Cartan formula, curvature and the Bianchi identity for the possible extensions in differential geometry. Moreover, we find a cohomological obstruction...

Fibrations in the Category of Absolute Neighborhood Retracts

Takahisa Miyata (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

The category Top of topological spaces and continuous maps has the structures of a fibration category and a cofibration category in the sense of Baues, where fibration = Hurewicz fibration, cofibration = the usual cofibration, and weak equivalence = homotopy equivalence. Concentrating on fibrations, we consider the problem: given a full subcategory 𝓒 of Top, is the fibration structure of Top restricted to 𝓒 a fibration category? In this paper we take the special case where 𝓒 is the full subcategory...

Foncteurs polynomiaux et foncteurs de Mackey non linéaires

Hans-Joachim Baues, Winfried Dreckmann, Vincent Franjou, Teimuraz Pirashvili (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

On décrit les foncteurs polynomiaux, des groupes abéliens libres vers les groupes abéliens, comme des diagrammes de groupes abéliens dont on explicite les relations.

Free A -categories.

Lyubashenko, Volodymyr, Manzyuk, Oleksandr (2006)

Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 328