Displaying 201 – 220 of 1237

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Champs totalement radiaux sur une structure de Thom-Mather

Stéphane Simon (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans la première partie de ce travail, on prouve l’existence de champs stratifiés dits totalement radiaux sur un ensemble stratifié abstrait (e.s.a.). Ces champs sont stables et peuvent être choisis continus sur les espaces stratifiés plongés qui sont ( C ) -réguliers au sens de K. Bekka. Dans la seconde partie, on établit pour ces espaces un théorème de Poincaré-Hopf pour les champs totalement radiaux continus. On en déduit un résultat similaire pour les e.s.a.

Characterization of knot complements in the n-sphere

Vo-Thanh Liem, Gerard Venema (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Knot complements in the n-sphere are characterized. A connected open subset W of S n is homeomorphic with the complement of a locally flat (n-2)-sphere in S n , n ≥ 4, if and only if the first homology group of W is infinite cyclic, W has one end, and the homotopy groups of the end of W are isomorphic to those of S 1 in dimensions less than n/2. This result generalizes earlier theorems of Daverman, Liem, and Liem and Venema.

Characterizing metric spaces whose hyperspaces are homeomorphic to ℓ₂

T. Banakh, R. Voytsitskyy (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is shown that the hyperspace C l d H ( X ) (resp. B d d H ( X ) ) of non-empty closed (resp. closed and bounded) subsets of a metric space (X,d) is homeomorphic to ℓ₂ if and only if the completion X̅ of X is connected and locally connected, X is topologically complete and nowhere locally compact, and each subset (resp. each bounded subset) of X is totally bounded.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 1237