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Some topics concerning homeomorphic parameterizations.

Stephen Semmes (2001)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this survey, we consider several questions pertaining to homeomorphisms, including criteria for their existence in certain circumstances, and obstructions to their existence.

Spaces of measurable functions

Piotr Niemiec (2013)

Open Mathematics

For a metrizable space X and a finite measure space (Ω, 𝔐 , µ), the space M µ(X) of all equivalence classes (under the relation of equality almost everywhere mod µ) of 𝔐 -measurable functions from Ω to X, whose images are separable, equipped with the topology of convergence in measure, and some of its subspaces are studied. In particular, it is shown that M µ(X) is homeomorphic to a Hilbert space provided µ is (nonzero) nonatomic and X is completely metrizable and has more than one point.

Spaces of upper semicontinuous multi-valued functions on complete metric spaces

Katsuro Sakai, Shigenori Uehara (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X = (X,d) be a metric space and let the product space X × ℝ be endowed with the metric ϱ ((x,t),(x’,t’)) = maxd(x,x’), |t - t’|. We denote by U S C C B ( X ) the space of bounded upper semicontinuous multi-valued functions φ : X → ℝ such that each φ(x) is a closed interval. We identify φ U S C C B ( X ) with its graph which is a closed subset of X × ℝ. The space U S C C B ( X ) admits the Hausdorff metric induced by ϱ. It is proved that if X = (X,d) is uniformly locally connected, non-compact and complete, then U S C C B ( X ) is homeomorphic to a...

Currently displaying 921 – 940 of 1237