Backlund Transformations for a Class of Systems of Differential Equation.
Balanced metrics and noncommutative Kähler geometry.
Banach manifolds of algebraic elements in the algebra (H) of bounded linear operatorsof bounded linear operators
Given a complex Hilbert space H, we study the manifold of algebraic elements in . We represent as a disjoint union of closed connected subsets M of Z each of which is an orbit under the action of G, the group of all C*-algebra automorphisms of Z. Those orbits M consisting of hermitian algebraic elements with a fixed finite rank r, (0< r<∞) are real-analytic direct submanifolds of Z. Using the C*-algebra structure of Z, a Banach-manifold structure and a G-invariant torsionfree affine...
Banachian Differentiable Spaces.
Banach-Stone Theorems for Banach Manifolds.
Barth-Lefschetz theorems for singular spaces.
Barycentres convexes et approximations des martingales continues dans les variétés
Barycentres et martingales sur une variété
Bas du spectre et delta-hyperbolicité en géométrie de Hilbert plane
On montre l’équivalence entre l’hyperbolicité au sens de Gromov de la géométrie de Hilbert d’un domaine convexe du plan et la non nullité du bas du spectre de ce domaine.
Base and essential base in parabolic potential theory
Basic Brane Mechanics
Bayoumi Quasi-Differential is different from Fréchet-Differential
We prove that the Quasi Differential of Bayoumi of maps between locally bounded F-spaces may not be Fréchet-Differential and vice versa. So a new concept has been discovered with rich applications (see [1–6]). Our F-spaces here are not necessarily locally convex
Beispiele zur lokalen Theorie der differenzierbaren Räume.
Beiträge zur Lehre von n-fachen Mannigfaltigkeit [Book]
Bemerkungen zur Katastrophentheorie.
Berger's Isoperimetric Problem and Minimal Immersions of Surfaces.
Bernstein and De Giorgi type problems: new results via a geometric approach
We use a Poincaré type formula and level set analysis to detect one-dimensional symmetry of stable solutions of possibly degenerate or singular elliptic equations of the formOur setting is very general and, as particular cases, we obtain new proofs of a conjecture of De Giorgi for phase transitions in and and of the Bernstein problem on the flatness of minimal area graphs in . A one-dimensional symmetry result in the half-space is also obtained as a byproduct of our analysis. Our approach...
Bernstein Theorems for Harmonic Morphisms from R3 and S3.
Bernstein-Sato Polynomials and Spectral Numbers
In this paper we will describe a set of roots of the Bernstein-Sato polynomial associated to a germ of complex analytic function in several variables, with an isolated critical point at the origin, that may be obtained by only knowing the spectral numbers of the germ. This will also give us a set of common roots of the Bernstein-Sato polynomials associated to the members of a -constant family of germs of functions. An example will show that this set may sometimes consist of all common roots.