Flux moyen d'un courant électrique dans un réseau aléatoire stationnaire de résistances
Statistically self-similar measures on [0, 1] are limit of multiplicative cascades of random weights distributed on the b-adic subintervals of [0, 1]. These weights are i.i.d., positive, and of expectation 1/b. We extend these cascades naturally by allowing the random weights to take negative values. This yields martingales taking values in the space of continuous functions on [0, 1]. Specifically, we consider for each H∈(0, 1) the martingale (Bn)n≥1 obtained when the weights take the values −b−H...
In this article, first we give a definition of a functional space which is constructed from all complex-valued continuous functions defined on a compact topological space. We prove that this functional space is a Banach algebra. Next, we give a definition of a function space which is constructed from all complex-valued continuous functions with bounded support. We also prove that this function space is a complex normed space.
The uncertainty theory was founded by Baoding Liu to characterize uncertainty information represented by humans. Basing on uncertainty theory, Yuhan Liu created chance theory to describe the complex phenomenon, in which human uncertainty and random phenomenon coexist. In this paper, our aim is to derive some laws of large numbers (LLNs) for uncertain random variables. The first theorem proved the Etemadi type LLN for uncertain random variables being functions of pairwise independent and identically...
In this paper, the authors further studied the complete convergence for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise asymptotically almost negatively associated (AANA) random variables with non-identical distribution under some mild moment conditions. As an application, the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund type strong law of large numbers for weighted sums of AANA random variables is obtained. The results not only generalize the corresponding ones of Wang et al. [19], but also partially improve the corresponding ones...