Edgeworth expansions for a sample sum from a finite set of independent random variables.
Weak laws of large numbers (WLLN), strong laws of large numbers (SLLN), and central limit theorems (CLT) in statistical models differ from those in probability theory in that they should hold uniformly in the family of distributions specified by the model. If a limit law states that for every ε > 0 there exists N such that for all n > N the inequalities |ξₙ| < ε are satisfied and N = N(ε) is explicitly given then we call the law effective. It is trivial to obtain an effective statistical...
Entropic projections and dominating points are solutions to convex minimization problems related to conditional laws of large numbers. They appear in many areas of applied mathematics such as statistical physics, information theory, mathematical statistics, ill-posed inverse problems or large deviation theory. By means of convex conjugate duality and functional analysis, criteria are derived for the existence of entropic projections, generalized entropic projections and dominating points. Representations...
We study the convergence of the ergodic averages where is a bounded sequence and a strictly increasing sequence of integers such that for some . Moreover we give explicit such sequences and and we investigate in particular the case where is a -multiplicative sequence.
Consider independent and identically distributed random variables {X nk, 1 ≤ k ≤ m, n ≤ 1} from the Pareto distribution. We select two order statistics from each row, X n(i) ≤ X n(j), for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ = m. Then we test to see whether or not Laws of Large Numbers with nonzero limits exist for weighted sums of the random variables R ij = X n(j)/X n(i).
Let us consider a solution of a one-dimensional stochastic differential equation driven by a standard Brownian motion with time-inhomogeneous drift coefficient . This process can be viewed as a Brownian motion evolving in a potential, possibly singular, depending on time. We prove results on the existence and uniqueness of solution, study its asymptotic behaviour and made a precise description, in terms of parameters , and , of the recurrence, transience and convergence. More precisely, asymptotic...