Some polar sets for the brownian sheet
Let (M,d) be a metric space with a fixed origin O. P. Lévy defined Brownian motion X(a); a ∈ M as 0. X(O) = 0. 1. X(a) - X(b) is subject to the Gaussian law of mean 0 and variance d(a,b). He gave an example for , the m-dimensional sphere. Let be the Gaussian random measure on , that is, 1. Y(B) is a centered Gaussian system, 2. the variance of Y(B) is equal of μ(B), where μ is the uniform measure on , 3. if B₁ ∩ B₂ = ∅ then Y(B₁) is independent of Y(B₂). 4. for , i = 1,2,..., , i ≠ j, we...
We recall necessary notions about the geometry and harmonic analysis on a hyperbolic space and provide lecture notes about homogeneous random functions parameterized by this space. The general principles are illustrated by construction of numerous examples analogous to Euclidean case. We also give a brief survey of the fields parameterized by Euclidean spheres. At the end we give a list of important open questions in hyperbolic case.
We recall necessary notions about the geometry and harmonic analysis on a hyperbolic space and provide lecture notes about homogeneous random functions parameterized by this space. The general principles are illustrated by construction of numerous examples analogous to Euclidean case. We also give a brief survey of the fields parameterized by Euclidean spheres. At the end we give a list of important open questions in hyperbolic case.
We discuss various properties of Probabilistic Cellular Automata, such as the structure of the set of stationary measures and multiplicity of stationary measures (or phase transition) for reversible models.
We discuss various properties of Probabilistic Cellular Automata, such as the structure of the set of stationary measures and multiplicity of stationary measures (or phase transition) for reversible models.
We produce a stochastic regularization of the Poisson-Sigma model of Cattaneo-Felder, which is an analogue regularization of Klauder’s stochastic regularization of the hamiltonian path integral [23] in field theory. We perform also semi-classical limits.