Displaying 61 – 80 of 128

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Malliavin method for optimal investment in financial markets with memory

Qiguang An, Guoqing Zhao, Gaofeng Zong (2016)

Open Mathematics

We consider a financial market with memory effects in which wealth processes are driven by mean-field stochastic Volterra equations. In this financial market, the classical dynamic programming method can not be used to study the optimal investment problem, because the solution of mean-field stochastic Volterra equation is not a Markov process. In this paper, a new method through Malliavin calculus introduced in [1], can be used to obtain the optimal investment in a Volterra type financial market....

Multivariate normal approximation using Stein’s method and Malliavin calculus

Ivan Nourdin, Giovanni Peccati, Anthony Réveillac (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We combine Stein’s method with Malliavin calculus in order to obtain explicit bounds in the multidimensional normal approximation (in the Wasserstein distance) of functionals of gaussian fields. Among several examples, we provide an application to a functional version of the Breuer–Major CLT for fields subordinated to a fractional brownian motion.

On smoothing properties of transition semigroups associated to a class of SDEs with jumps

Seiichiro Kusuoka, Carlo Marinelli (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We prove smoothing properties of nonlocal transition semigroups associated to a class of stochastic differential equations (SDE) in d driven by additive pure-jump Lévy noise. In particular, we assume that the Lévy process driving the SDE is the sum of a subordinated Wiener process Y (i.e. Y = W T , where T is an increasing pure-jump Lévy process starting at zero and independent of the Wiener process W ) and of an arbitrary Lévy process independent of Y , that the drift coefficient is continuous (but not...

On the density of some Wiener functionals: an application of Malliavin calculus.

Antoni Sintes Blanc (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Using a representation as an infinite linear combination of chi-square independent random variables, it is shown that some Wiener functionals, appearing in empirical characteristic process asymptotic theory, have densities which are tempered in the properly infinite case and exponentially decaying in the finite case.

Pointwise convergence of Boltzmann solutions for grazing collisions in a Maxwell gas via a probabilitistic interpretation

Hélène Guérin (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Using probabilistic tools, this work states a pointwise convergence of function solutions of the 2-dimensional Boltzmann equation to the function solution of the Landau equation for Maxwellian molecules when the collisions become grazing. To this aim, we use the results of Fournier (2000) on the Malliavin calculus for the Boltzmann equation. Moreover, using the particle system introduced by Guérin and Méléard (2003), some simulations of the solution of the Landau equation will be given. This result...

Pointwise convergence of Boltzmann solutions for grazing collisions in a Maxwell gas via a probabilitistic interpretation

Hélène Guérin (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Using probabilistic tools, this work states a pointwise convergence of function solutions of the 2-dimensional Boltzmann equation to the function solution of the Landau equation for Maxwellian molecules when the collisions become grazing. To this aim, we use the results of Fournier (2000) on the Malliavin calculus for the Boltzmann equation. Moreover, using the particle system introduced by Guérin and Méléard (2003), some simulations of the solution of the Landau equation will be given. This result...

Positivity of the density for the stochastic wave equation in two spatial dimensions

Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Marta Sanz-Solé (2003)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the random vector u ( t , x ̲ ) = ( u ( t , x 1 ) , , u ( t , x d ) ) , where t > 0 , x 1 , , x d are distinct points of 2 and u denotes the stochastic process solution to a stochastic wave equation driven by a noise white in time and correlated in space. In a recent paper by Millet and Sanz–Solé [10], sufficient conditions are given ensuring existence and smoothness of density for u ( t , x ̲ ) . We study here the positivity of such density. Using techniques developped in [1] (see also [9]) based on Analysis on an abstract Wiener space, we characterize the set of...

Positivity of the density for the stochastic wave equation in two spatial dimensions

Mireille Chaleyat–Maurel, Marta Sanz–Solé (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the random vector u ( t , x ̲ ) = ( u ( t , x 1 ) , , u ( t , x d ) ) , where t > 0, x1,...,xd are distinct points of 2 and u denotes the stochastic process solution to a stochastic wave equation driven by a noise white in time and correlated in space. In a recent paper by Millet and Sanz–Solé [10], sufficient conditions are given ensuring existence and smoothness of density for u ( t , x ̲ ) . We study here the positivity of such density. Using techniques developped in [1] (see also [9]) based on Analysis on an abstract Wiener space, we characterize...

Probabilistic methods for semilinear partial differential equations. Applications to finance

Dan Crisan, Konstantinos Manolarakis (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

With the pioneering work of [Pardoux and Peng, Syst. Contr. Lett.14 (1990) 55–61; Pardoux and Peng, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences176 (1992) 200–217]. We have at our disposal stochastic processes which solve the so-called backward stochastic differential equations. These processes provide us with a Feynman-Kac representation for the solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) which appear in many applications in the field of Mathematical Finance....

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 128