A note on the Glauber dynamics for sampling independent sets.
This article describes an accurate procedure for computing the mean first passage times of a finite irreducible Markov chain and a Markov renewal process. The method is a refinement to the Kohlas, Zeit fur Oper Res, 30, 197–207, (1986) procedure. The technique is numerically stable in that it doesn’t involve subtractions. Algebraic expressions for the special cases of one, two, three and four states are derived.Aconsequence of the procedure is that the stationary distribution of the embedded Markov...
By using the skew product definition of a Markov chain we obtain the following results: (a) Every k-step Markov chain is a quasi-Markovian process. (b) Every piecewise linear map with a Markovian partition defines a Markov chain for every absolutely continuous invariant measure. (c) Satisfying the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation is not sufficient for a process to be quasi-Markovian.
Let be a random walk drifting to -∞. We obtain an asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the supremum of which takes into account the influence of the roots of the equation being the underlying distribution. An estimate, of considerable generality, is given for the remainder term by means of submultiplicative weight functions. A similar problem for the stationary distribution of an oscillating random walk is also considered. The proofs rely on two general theorems for Laplace transforms....