Displaying 241 – 260 of 383

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Estimation of the first order parameters in the twoepoch linear model

Karel Hron (2007)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

The linear regression model, where the mean value parameters are divided into stable and nonstable part in each of both epochs of measurement, is considered in this paper. Then, equivalent formulas of the best linear unbiased estimators of this parameters in both epochs using partitioned matrix inverse are derived.

Estimation of the hazard function in a semiparametric model with covariate measurement error

Marie-Laure Martin-Magniette, Marie-Luce Taupin (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider a failure hazard function, conditional on a time-independent covariate Z, given by η γ 0 ( t ) f β 0 ( Z ) . The baseline hazard function η γ 0 and the relative risk f β 0 both belong to parametric families with θ 0 = ( β 0 , γ 0 ) m + p . The covariate Z has an unknown density and is measured with an error through an additive error model U = Z + ε where ε is a random variable, independent from Z, with known density f ε . We observe a n-sample (Xi, Di, Ui), i = 1, ..., n, where Xi is the minimum between the failure time and the censoring time, and...

Estimation of the hazard rate function with a reduction of bias and variance at the boundary

Bożena Janiszewska, Roman Różański (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

In the article, we propose a new estimator of the hazard rate function in the framework of the multiplicative point process intensity model. The technique combines the reflection method and the method of transformation. The new method eliminates the boundary effect for suitably selected transformations reducing the bias at the boundary and keeping the asymptotics of the variance. The transformation depends on a pre-estimate of the logarithmic derivative of the hazard function at the boundary.

Estimation of the Kronecker and products of two mean vectors in multivariate analysis

Heinz Neudecker, Götz Trenkler (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

In this paper the Kronecker and inner products of mean vectorsof two different populations are considered. Using the generalized jackknife approach, estimators for these products are constructed which turn out to be unbiased, provided one can assume multinormal distribution.

Estimation of the noncentrality matrix of a noncentral Wishart distribution with unit scale matrix. A matrix generalization of Leung's domination result.

Heinz Neudecker (2004)


The main aim is to estimate the noncentrality matrix of a noncentral Wishart distribution. The method used is Leung's but generalized to a matrix loss function. Parallelly Leung's scalar noncentral Wishart identity is generalized to become a matrix identity. The concept of Löwner partial ordering of symmetric matrices is used.

Estimation of the output deviation norm for uncertain, discrete-time nonlinear systems in a state dependent form

Przemysław Orłowski (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Numerical evaluation of the optimal nonlinear robust control requires estimating the impact of parameter uncertainties on the system output. The main goal of the paper is to propose a method for estimating the norm of an output trajectory deviation from the nominal trajectory for nonlinear uncertain, discrete-time systems. The measure of the deviation allows us to evaluate the robustness of any designed controller. The first part of the paper concerns uncertainty modelling for nonlinear systems...

Estimation of the parameters of the mixture k ≥ 2 of logarithmic-normal distributions.

Mariusz J. Wasilewski (1988)

Trabajos de Estadística

In the mixture k ≥ 2 of logarithmic-normal distributions, with density function (1), the parameters μ1, ..., μk satisfying conditions (2) and the parameters p1, ..., pk satisfying conditions (3) are unknown. Using moments of orders r = -k, -k+1, ..., 0, 1, ..., k-1 we get a system of 2k equations (8), an equivalent of matrix equation (10). The equation (13) has exactly one solution with regard to A. If in the equation (13) we substitute the unbiased and consistent estimators D'r for the coefficients...

Estimation of the size of a closed population

S. Sengupta (2010)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The problem considered is that of estimation of the size (N) of a closed population under three sampling schemes admitting unbiased estimation of N. It is proved that for each of these schemes, the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of N is inadmissible under square error loss function. For the first scheme, the UMVUE is also the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of N. For the second scheme and a special case of the third, it is shown respectively that an MLE and an estimator...

Estimation of the spectral moment by means of the extrema.

Enrique M. Cabaña (1985)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

An estimator of the standard deviation of the first derivative of a stationary Gaussian process with known variance and two continuous derivatives, based on the values of the relative maxima and minima, is proposed, and some of its properties are considered.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 383