Displaying 81 – 100 of 119

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On the generalization and estimation for the double Poisson distribution.

Mohamed M. Shoukri (1982)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

The bivariate forms of many important discrete probability distributions have been studied by many statisticians. The trinomial, the double Poisson, the bivariate negative binomial, and the bivariate logarithmic series distributions are in fact the bivariate generalizations of the well known univariate distributions. A systematic account of various families of distributions of bivariate discrete random variables have been given by Patil and Joshi (11), Johnson and Kotz (4), and Mardia (9) in their...

On the Heyde theorem for discrete Abelian groups

G. M. Feldman (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a countable discrete Abelian group, Aut(X) the set of automorphisms of X, and I(X) the set of idempotent distributions on X. Assume that α₁, α₂, β₁, β₂ ∈ Aut(X) satisfy β α - 1 ± β α - 1 A u t ( X ) . Let ξ₁, ξ₂ be independent random variables with values in X and distributions μ₁, μ₂. We prove that the symmetry of the conditional distribution of L₂ = β₁ξ₁ + β₂ξ₂ given L₁ = α₁ξ₁ + α₂ξ₂ implies that μ₁, μ₂ ∈ I(X) if and only if the group X contains no elements of order two. This theorem can be considered as an analogue...

On the Lukacs property for free random variables

Kamil Szpojankowski (2015)

Studia Mathematica

The Lukacs property of the free Poisson distribution is studied. We prove that if free and are free Poisson distributed with suitable parameters, then + and ( + ) - 1 / 2 ( + ) - 1 / 2 are free. As an auxiliary result we compute the joint cumulants of and - 1 for free Poisson distributed . We also study the Lukacs property of the free Gamma distribution.

On the minimizing point of the incorrectly centered empirical process and its limit distribution in nonregular experiments

Dietmar Ferger (2005)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let F n be the empirical distribution function (df) pertaining to independent random variables with continuous df F . We investigate the minimizing point τ ^ n of the empirical process F n - F 0 , where F 0 is another df which differs from F . If F and F 0 are locally Hölder-continuous of order α at a point τ our main result states that n 1 / α ( τ ^ n - τ ) converges in distribution. The limit variable is the almost sure unique minimizing point of a two-sided time-transformed homogeneous Poisson-process with a drift. The time-transformation...

On the minimizing point of the incorrectly centered empirical process and its limit distribution in nonregular experiments

Dietmar Ferger (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let Fn be the empirical distribution function (df) pertaining to independent random variables with continuous df F. We investigate the minimizing point τ ^ n of the empirical process Fn - F0, where F0 is another df which differs from F. If F and F0 are locally Hölder-continuous of order α at a point τ our main result states that n 1 / α ( τ ^ n - τ ) converges in distribution. The limit variable is the almost sure unique minimizing point of a two-sided time-transformed homogeneous Poisson-process with a drift. The time-transformation...

On the Newcomb-Benford law in models of statistical data.

Tomás Hobza, Igor Vajda (2001)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We consider positive real valued random data X with the decadic representation X = Σi=∞∞Di 10i and the first significant digit D = D(X) in {1,2,...,9} of X defined by the condition D = Di ≥ 1, Di+1 = Di+2 = ... = 0. The data X are said to satisfy the Newcomb-Benford law if P{D=d} = log10(d+1 / d) for all d in {1,2,...,9}. This law holds for example for the data with log10X uniformly distributed on an interval (m,n) where m and n are integers. We show that if log10X has a distribution function...

On the outstanding elements and record values in the exponential and gamma populations.

G. S. Lingappaiah (1981)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Outstanding elements and recorded values are discussed in this paper as related to exponential and gamma populations. First, the problem of prediction is considered when there are available, k sets of independent observations from a general-type exponential distribution. In such a case, prediction of the nk-th record value in the k-th set is made in terms of ni-th (i = 1, ..., k-1) record values from other (k-1) sets. For this purpose a predictive distribution is obtained. Secondly, the distribution...

On the product of triangular random variables

Mridula Garg, Sangeeta Choudhary, Saralees Nadarajah (2009)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We derive the probability density function (pdf) for the product of three independent triangular random variables. It involves consideration of various cases and subcases. We obtain the pdf for one subcase and present the remaining cases in tabular form. We also indicate how to calculate the pdf for the product of n triangular random variables.

On the properties of the Generalized Normal Distribution

Thomas L. Toulias, Christos P. Kitsos (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The target of this paper is to provide a critical review and to enlarge the theory related to the Generalized Normal Distributions (GND). This three term (position, scale shape) distribution is based in a strong theoretical background due to Logarithm Sobolev Inequalities. Moreover, the GND is the appropriate one to support the Generalized entropy type Fisher's information measure.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 119