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Optimality of the least weighted squares estimator

Libor Mašíček (2004)


The present paper deals with least weighted squares estimator which is a robust estimator and it generalizes classical least trimmed squares. We will prove n -consistency and asymptotic normality for any sequence of roots of normal equation for location model. The influence function for general case is calculated. Finally optimality of this estimator is discussed and formula for most B-robust and most V-robust weights is derived.

Outliers in models with constraints

Lubomír Kubáček (2006)


Outliers in univariate and multivariate regression models with constraints are under consideration. The covariance matrix is assumed either to be known or to be known only partially.

Pairs of successes in Bernoulli trials and a new n-estimator for the binomial distribution

Wolfgang Kühne, Peter Neumann, Dietrich Stoyan, Helmut Stoyan (1994)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The problem of estimating the number, n, of trials, given a sequence of k independent success counts obtained by replicating the n-trial experiment is reconsidered in this paper. In contrast to existing methods it is assumed here that more information than usual is available: not only the numbers of successes are given but also the number of pairs of consecutive successes. This assumption is realistic in a class of problems of spatial statistics. There typically k = 1, in which case the classical...

Parameter estimation of sub-Gaussian stable distributions

Vadym Omelchenko (2014)


In this paper, we present a parameter estimation method for sub-Gaussian stable distributions. Our algorithm has two phases: in the first phase, we calculate the average values of harmonic functions of observations and in the second phase, we conduct the main procedure of asymptotic maximum likelihood where those average values are used as inputs. This implies that the main procedure of our method does not depend on the sample size of observations. The main idea of our method lies in representing...

Parametric inference for mixed models defined by stochastic differential equations

Sophie Donnet, Adeline Samson (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Non-linear mixed models defined by stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are considered: the parameters of the diffusion process are random variables and vary among the individuals. A maximum likelihood estimation method based on the Stochastic Approximation EM algorithm, is proposed. This estimation method uses the Euler-Maruyama approximation of the diffusion, achieved using latent auxiliary data introduced to complete the diffusion process between each pair of measurement instants. A tuned...

Permanents, order statistics, outliers, and robustness.

Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (2007)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this paper, we consider order statistics and outlier models, and focus primarily on multiple-outlier models and associated robustness issues. We first synthesise recent developments on order statistics arising from independent and non-identically distributed random variables based primarily on the theory of permanents. We then highlight various applications of these results in evaluating the robustness properties of several linear estimators when multiple outliers are possibly present in the...

Probability distribution of transformed random variables with application to nonlinear features extraction

Lubomír Soukup (1998)


A method for estimation of probability distribution of transformed random variables is presented. The proposed approach admits an approximation of the transformation of the random variables. The approximate probability density function (pdf) is corrected to obtain a resulting pdf which incorporates a prior knowledge of approximation errors. The corrected pdf is not contaminated by any uncontrollable approximation. The method is applied to pattern recognition. It is shown that class conditional pdf...

Problèmes de méthodologie statistique. II. —Étude d'un conflit robustesse-efficacité dans le problème de la comparaison de deux moyennes (groupes indépendants)

H. Rouanet, D. Lépine (1974)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Le conflit robustesse-efficacité se trouve posé notamment chaque fois que l'on a à choisir entre deux méthodes d'inférence statistique dont l'une est privilégiée sous un modèle plus spécifique et l'autre sous un modèle plus général. Ce conflit est étudié dans le cas de la comparaison de deux moyennes (groupes indépendants), à propos du choix entre le modèle (spécifique) postulant l'égalité des variances intra-groupes et le modèle (général) à variances quelconques. On montre que le choix n'est crucial...

Properly recorded estimate and confidence regions obtained by an approximate covariance operator in a special nonlinear model

Gejza Wimmer (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

The properly recorded standard deviation of the estimator and the properly recorded estimate are introduced. Bounds for the locally best linear unbiased estimator and estimate and also confidence regions for a linearly unbiasedly estimable linear functional of unknown parameters of the mean value are obtained in a special structure of nonlinear regression model. A sufficient condition for obtaining the properly recorded estimate in this model is also given.

Properties of the generalized nonlinear least squares method applied for fitting distribution to data

Mirta Benšić (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

We introduce and analyze a class of estimators for distribution parameters based on the relationship between the distribution function and the empirical distribution function. This class includes the nonlinear least squares estimator and the weighted nonlinear least squares estimator which has been used in parameter estimation for lifetime data (see e.g. [6, 8]) as well as the generalized nonlinear least squares estimator proposed in [3]. Sufficient conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality...

Quadratic estimations in mixed linear models

Štefan Varga (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

In the paper four types of estimations of the linear function of the variance components are presented for the mixed linear model 𝐘 = 𝐗 β + 𝐞 with expectation E ( 𝐘 ) = 𝐗 β and covariance matrix D ( 𝐘 ) = 0 1 𝐕 1 + . . . + 0 𝐦 𝐕 𝐦 .

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 440