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Complete convergence theorems for normed row sums from an array of rowwise pairwise negative quadrant dependent random variables with application to the dependent bootstrap

Andrew Rosalsky, Yongfeng Wu (2015)

Applications of Mathematics

Let { X n , j , 1 j m ( n ) , n 1 } be an array of rowwise pairwise negative quadrant dependent mean 0 random variables and let 0 < b n . Conditions are given for j = 1 m ( n ) X n , j / b n 0 completely and for max 1 k m ( n ) | j = 1 k X n , j | / b n 0 completely. As an application of these results, we obtain a complete convergence theorem for the row sums j = 1 m ( n ) X n , j * of the dependent bootstrap samples { { X n , j * , 1 j m ( n ) } , n 1 } arising from a sequence of i.i.d. random variables { X n , n 1 } .

Components of the game result in a football league

Boleslaw Kopociński (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We assume that the result of a football game depends upon the difference of the strengths of the teams, home-field advantage, random factors and also other components. We describe the goal outcome per game by independent Poisson random variables; we concentrate on expected values. The least squares estimators of the parameters are obtained. The study is illustrated by examples from the Italian and Polish leagues.

Comportamiento de los contrastes ADF, PP y KPSS al trabajar con series ajustadas de estacionalidad.

Tomás del Barrio Castro, Ana del Sur Mora, Jordi Suriñach Caralt (2001)


En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento de los tests de raíces unitarias cuando se utilizan los componentes ciclo-tendencia obtenidos a partir de procedimientos de extracción de señales en lugar de utilizar las series originales. Adicionalmente se intenta detectar las causas finales de los efectos perniciosos observados. Los procedimientos de extracción de señales analizados son el basado en modelos ARIMA y el filtro de líneas aéreas modificado. Un ejercicio de simulación nos permite concluir...

Conditional Confidence Interval for the Scale Parameter of a Weibull Distribution

Mahdi, Smail (2004)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62F25, 62F03.A two-sided conditional confidence interval for the scale parameter θ of a Weibull distribution is constructed. The construction follows the rejection of a preliminary test for the null hypothesis: θ = θ0 where θ0 is a given value. The confidence bounds are derived according to the method set forth by Meeks and D’Agostino (1983) and subsequently used by Arabatzis et al. (1989) in Gaussian models and more recently by Chiou and Han (1994, 1995)...

Confidence regions in nonlinear regression models

Rastislav Potocký, Van Ban To (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

New curvature measures for nonlinear regression models are developed and methods of their computing are given. Using these measures, more accurate confidence regions for parameters than those based on linear or quadratic approximations are obtained.

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