Displaying 21 – 40 of 47

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Minimum variance importance sampling via Population Monte Carlo

R. Douc, A. Guillin, J.-M. Marin, C. P. Robert (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Variance reduction has always been a central issue in Monte Carlo experiments. Population Monte Carlo can be used to this effect, in that a mixture of importance functions, called a D-kernel, can be iteratively optimized to achieve the minimum asymptotic variance for a function of interest among all possible mixtures. The implementation of this iterative scheme is illustrated for the computation of the price of a European option in the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model. A Central Limit theorem as well...

Model of shell metal mould heating in the automotive industry

Jaroslav Mlýnek, Roman Knobloch (2018)

Applications of Mathematics

This article focuses on heat radiation intensity optimization on the surface of a shell metal mould. Such moulds are used in the automotive industry in the artificial leather production (the artificial leather is used, e.g., on car dashboards). The mould is heated by infrared heaters. After the required temperature is attained, the inner mould surface is sprinkled with special PVC powder. The powder melts and after cooling down it forms the artificial leather. A homogeneous temperature field of...

Modeling Non-Stationary Processes of Diffusion of Solute Substances in the Near-Bottom Layer ofWater Reservoirs: Variation of the Direction of Flows and Assessment of Admissible Biogenic Load

V. V. Kozlov (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The paper is devoted to mathematical modelling and numerical computations of a nonstationary free boundary problem. The model is based on processes of molecular diffusion of some products of chemical decomposition of a solid organic substance concentrated in bottom sediments. It takes into account non-stationary multi-component and multi-stage chemical decomposition of organic substances and the processes of sorption desorption under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Such a model allows one to...

Modeling of the resonance of an acoustic wave in a torus

Jérôme Adou, Adama Coulibaly, Narcisse Dakouri (2013)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

A pneumatic tyre in rotating motion with a constant angular velocity Ω is assimilated to a torus whose generating circle has a radius R . The contact of the tyre with the ground is schematized as an ellipse with semi-major axis a . When ( Ω R / C 0 ) 1 and ( a / R ) 1 (where C 0 is the velocity of the sound), we show that at the rapid time scale R / C 0 , the air motion within a torus periodically excited on its surface generates an acoustic wave h . A study of this acoustic wave is conducted and shows that the mode associated to...

Modeling the Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis

C. Calmelet, A. Prokop, J. Mensah, L. J. McCawley, P. S. Crooke (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Solid tumors and hematological cancers contain small population of tumor cells that are believed to play a critical role in the development and progression of the disease. These cells, named Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs), have been found in leukemia, myeloma, breast, prostate, pancreas, colon, brain and lung cancers. It is also thought that CSCs drive the metastatic spread of cancer. The CSC compartment features a specific and phenotypically defined cell...

Modelling of Plant Growth with Apical or Basal Meristem

N. Bessonov, F. Crauste, V. Volpert (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Plant growth occurs due to cell proliferation in the meristem. We model the case of apical meristem specific for branch growth and the case of basal meristem specific for bulbous plants and grass. In the case of apical growth, our model allows us to describe the variety of plant forms and lifetimes, endogenous rhythms and apical domination. In the case of basal growth, the spatial structure, which corresponds to the appearance of leaves, results...

Modelling the spiders ballooning effect on the vineyard ecology

E. Venturino, M. Isaia, F. Bona, E. Issoglio, V. Triolo, G. Badino (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We consider an ecosystem in which spiders may be transported by the wind from vineyards into the surrounding woods and vice versa. The model takes into account this tranport phenomenon without building space explicitly into the governing equations. The equilibria of the dynamical system are analyzed together with their stability, showing that bifurcations may occur. Then the effects of indiscriminated spraying to keep pests under control is also investigated via suitable simulations.

Modelling the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Complex Metapopulations

J. Saldaña (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Two main approaches have been considered for modelling the dynamics of the SIS model on complex metapopulations, i.e, networks of populations connected by migratory flows whose configurations are described in terms of the connectivity distribution of nodes (patches) and the conditional probabilities of connections among classes of nodes sharing the same degree. In the first approach migration and transmission/recovery process alternate sequentially,...

Modelling Tuberculosis and Hepatitis B Co-infections

S. Bowong, J. Kurths (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death among individuals infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The study of the joint dynamics of HBV and TB present formidable mathematical challenges due to the fact that the models of transmission are quite distinct. We formulate and analyze a deterministic mathematical model which incorporates of the co-dynamics of hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Two sub-models, namely: HBV-only and TB-only sub-models...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 47