On a Conjecture of Zaremba.
This paper considers Schrödinger operators, and presents a probabilistic interpretation of the variation (or shape derivative) of the Dirichlet groundstate energy when the associated domain is perturbed. This interpretation relies on the distribution on the boundary of a stopped random process with Feynman-Kac weights. Practical computations require in addition the explicit approximation of the normal derivative of the groundstate on the boundary. We then propose to use this formulation in the...
An explicit formula for the correlation coefficient in a two-dimensional AR(1) process is derived. Approximate critical values for the correlation coefficient between two one-dimensional AR(1) processes are tabulated. They are based on Bartlett’s approximation and on an asymptotic distribution derived by McGregor. The results are compared with critical values obtained from a simulation study.
The paper gives some basic ideas of both the construction and investigation of the properties of the Bayesian estimates of certain parametric functions of the parent exponential distribution under the model of random censorship assuming the Koziol–Green model. Various prior distributions are investigated and the corresponding estimates are derived. The stress is put on the asymptotic properties of the estimates with the particular stress on the Bayesian risk. Small sample properties are studied...
An iterative procedure for computation of stationary density of autoregressive processes is proposed. On an example with exponentially distributed white noise it is demonstrated that the procedure converges geometrically fast. The AR(1) and AR(2) models are analyzed in detail.
We study the impact of certain transformations within the class of Archimedean copulas. We give some admissibility conditions for these transformations, and define some equivalence classes for both transformations and generators of Archimedean copulas. We extend the r-fold composition of the diagonal section of a copula, from r ∈ N to r ∈ R. This extension, coupled with results on equivalence classes, gives us new expressions of transformations and generators. Estimators deriving directly from these...
The knowledge of causal relations provides a possibility to perform predictions and helps to decide about the most reasonable actions aiming at the desired objectives. Although the causal reasoning appears to be natural for the human thinking, most of the traditional statistical methods fail to address this issue. One of the well-known methodologies correctly representing the relations of cause and effect is Pearl's causality approach. The paper brings an alternative, purely algebraic methodology...
The paper deals with kernel density estimates of filtering densities in the particle filter. The convergence of the estimates is investigated by means of Fourier analysis. It is shown that the estimates converge to the theoretical filtering densities in the mean integrated squared error. An upper bound on the convergence rate is given. The result is provided under a certain assumption on the Sobolev character of the filtering densities. A sufficient condition is presented for the persistence of...
We consider the following version of the standard problem of empirical estimates in stochastic optimization. We assume that the underlying random vectors are independent and not necessarily identically distributed but that they satisfy a "slow variation" condition in the sense of the definition given in this paper. We show that these assumptions along with the usual restrictions (boundedness and equicontinuity) on a class of functions allow one to use the empirical mean method to obtain a consistent...
In this paper, we analyze the celebrated EM algorithm from the point of view of proximal point algorithms. More precisely, we study a new type of generalization of the EM procedure introduced in [Chretien and Hero (1998)] and called Kullback-proximal algorithms. The proximal framework allows us to prove new results concerning the cluster points. An essential contribution is a detailed analysis of the case where some cluster points lie on the boundary of the parameter space.
There exist many different ways of determining the best linear unbiased estimation of regression coefficients in general regression model. In Part I of this article it is shown that all these ways are numerically equivalent almost everyvhere. In Part II conditions are considered under which all the unbiased estimations of the unknown covariance matrix scalar factor are numerically equivalent almost everywhere.
There exist many different ways of determining the best linear unbiased estimation of regression coefficients in general regression model. In Part I of this article it is shown that all these ways are numerically equivalent almost everyvhere. In Part II conditions are considered under which all the unbiased estimations of the unknown covariance matrix scalar factor are numerically equivalent almost everywhere.
A method of estimation of intrinsic volume densities for stationary random closed sets in based on estimating volumes of tiny collars has been introduced in T. Mrkvička and J. Rataj, On estimation of intrinsic volume densities of stationary random closed sets, Stoch. Proc. Appl. 118 (2008), 2, 213-231. In this note, a stronger asymptotic consistency is proved in dimension 2. The implementation of the method is discussed in detail. An important step is the determination of dilation radii in the...