Note on symmetric alteration of knots of B-spline curves.
The Shape-From-Shading (SFS) problem is a fundamental and classic problem in computer vision. It amounts to compute the 3-D depth of objects in a single given 2-D image. This is done by exploiting information about the illumination and the image brightness. We deal with a recent model for Perspective SFS (PSFS) for Lambertian surfaces. It is defined by a Hamilton–Jacobi equation and complemented by state constraints boundary conditions. In this paper we investigate and compare three state-of-the-art...
We examine the effect of numerical integration on the accuracy of high order conforming pyramidal finite element methods. Non-smooth shape functions are indispensable to the construction of pyramidal elements, and this means the conventional treatment of numerical integration, which requires that the finite element approximation space is piecewise polynomial, cannot be applied. We develop an analysis that allows the finite element approximation space to include non-smooth functions and show that,...
We examine the effect of numerical integration on the accuracy of high order conforming pyramidal finite element methods. Non-smooth shape functions are indispensable to the construction of pyramidal elements, and this means the conventional treatment of numerical integration, which requires that the finite element approximation space is piecewise polynomial, cannot be applied. We develop an analysis that allows the finite element approximation space to include non-smooth functions and show that,...
Using the high order Trefftz finite element method for solving partial differential equation requires numerical integration of oscillating functions. This integration could be performed, instead of classic techniques, also by the Levin method with some modifications. This paper shortly describes both the Trefftz method and the Levin method with its modification.
Steady-state nonlinear differential equations govering the stem curve of a wind-loaded pine are derived and solved numerically. Comparison is made between the results computed and the data from photographs of a pine stem during strong wind. The pine breaking is solved at the end.
Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 65D25, 65M06, 65Z05.In the present paper we solve space-time fractional diffusion-wave equation with two space variables, using the matrix method. Here, in particular, we give solutions to classical diffusion and wave equations and fractional diffusion and wave equations with different combinations of time and space fractional derivatives. We also plot some graphs for these problems with the help of MATLAB routines.