Can Adaption Help on the Average.
Consider the Hilbert space (H,〈• , •〉) equipped with the indefinite inner product[u,v]=v*J u,u,v∈ H, where J is an indefinite self-adjoint involution acting on H. The Krein space numerical range WJ(T) of an operator T acting on H is the set of all the values attained by the quadratic form [Tu,u], with u ∈H satisfying [u,u]=± 1. We develop, implement and test an alternative algorithm to compute WJ(T) in the finite dimensional case, constructing 2 by 2 matrix compressions of T and their easily determined...
We provide new sufficient convergence conditions for the convergence of the secant-type methods to a locally unique solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach space. Our new idea uses recurrent functions, and Lipschitz-type and center-Lipschitz-type instead of just Lipschitz-type conditions on the divided difference of the operator involved. It turns out that this way our error bounds are more precise than earlier ones and under our convergence hypotheses we can cover cases where earlier conditions...