Schwach verkoppelte Ungleichungssysteme und konvexe Spline-Interpolation.
MSC 2010: 05C50, 15A03, 15A06, 65K05, 90C08, 90C35We introduce sparse linear underdetermined systems with embedded network structure. Their structure is inherited from the non-homogeneous network ow programming problems with nodes of variable intensities. One of the new applications of the researched underdetermined systems is the sensor location problem (SLP) for a multigraph. That is the location of the minimum number of sensors in the nodes of the multigraph, in order to determine the arcs ow...
There has been much interest in studying symmetric cone complementarity problems. In this paper, we study the circular cone complementarity problem (denoted by CCCP) which is a type of nonsymmetric cone complementarity problem. We first construct two smoothing functions for the CCCP and show that they are all coercive and strong semismooth. Then we propose a smoothing algorithm to solve the CCCP. The proposed algorithm generates an infinite sequence such that the value of the merit function converges...
The present paper deals with the numerical solution of 3D shape optimization problems in frictional contact mechanics. Mathematical modelling of the Coulomb friction problem leads to an implicit variational inequality which can be written as a fixed point problem. Furthermore, it is known that the discretized problem is uniquely solvable for small coefficients of friction. Since the considered problem is nonsmooth, we exploit the generalized Mordukhovich’s differential calculus to compute the needed...
We consider general convex large-scale optimization problems in finite dimensions. Under usual assumptions concerning the structure of the constraint functions, the considered problems are suitable for decomposition approaches. Lagrangian-dual problems are formulated and solved by applying a well-known cutting-plane method of level-type. The proposed method is capable to handle infinite function values. Therefore it is no longer necessary to demand the feasible set with respect to the non-dualized...
In this paper a variable neighborhood search (VNS) approach for the task assignment problem (TAP) is considered. An appropriate neighborhood scheme along with a shaking operator and local search procedure are constructed specifically for this problem. The computational results are presented for the instances from the literature, and compared to optimal solutions obtained by the CPLEX solver and heuristic solutions generated by the genetic algorithm. It can be seen that the proposed VNS approach reaches...
A survey note whose aim is to establish the heuristics and natural relations in a class of Quasi-Newton methods in optimization problems. It is shown that a particular algorithm of the class is specified by characcterizing some parameters (scalars and matrices) in a general solution of a matrix equation.
In this work we describe some strategies that have been proved to be very efficient for solving the following type of scheduling problems: Assume a set of jobs is to be performed along a planning horizon by selecting one from several alternatives for doing so. Besides selecting the alternative for each job, the target consists of choosing the periods at which each component of the work will be done, such that a set of scheduling and technological constraints is satisfied. The problem is formulated...