Displaying 361 – 380 of 540

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An a posteriori error analysis of adaptive finite element methods for distributed elliptic control problems with control constraints

Michael Kieweg, Yuri Iliash, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Michael Hintermüller (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We present an a posteriori error analysis of adaptive finite element approximations of distributed control problems for second order elliptic boundary value problems under bound constraints on the control. The error analysis is based on a residual-type a posteriori error estimator that consists of edge and element residuals. Since we do not assume any regularity of the data of the problem, the error analysis further invokes data oscillations. We prove reliability and efficiency of the error estimator...

An a posteriori error analysis of adaptive finite element methods for distributed elliptic control problems with control constraints

Michael Hintermüller, Ronald H.W. Hoppe, Yuri Iliash, Michael Kieweg (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We present an a posteriori error analysis of adaptive finite element approximations of distributed control problems for second order elliptic boundary value problems under bound constraints on the control. The error analysis is based on a residual-type a posteriori error estimator that consists of edge and element residuals. Since we do not assume any regularity of the data of the problem, the error analysis further invokes data oscillations. We prove reliability and efficiency of the error estimator...

An adaptive finite element method for solving a double well problem describing crystalline microstructure

Andreas Prohl (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The minimization of nonconvex functionals naturally arises in materials sciences where deformation gradients in certain alloys exhibit microstructures. For example, minimizing sequences of the nonconvex Ericksen-James energy can be associated with deformations in martensitic materials that are observed in experiments[2,3]. — From the numerical point of view, classical conforming and nonconforming finite element discretizations have been observed to give minimizers with their quality being highly dependent...

An adaptive finite element method in reconstruction of coefficients in Maxwell's equations from limited observations

Larisa Beilina, Samar Hosseinzadegan (2016)

Applications of Mathematics

We propose an adaptive finite element method for the solution of a coefficient inverse problem of simultaneous reconstruction of the dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability functions in the Maxwell's system using limited boundary observations of the electric field in 3D. We derive a posteriori error estimates in the Tikhonov functional to be minimized and in the regularized solution of this functional, as well as formulate the corresponding adaptive algorithm. Our numerical experiments...

An Adaptive Quadrilateral Mesh in Curved Domains

Kumar Khattri, Sanjay (2009)

Serdica Journal of Computing

An nonlinear elliptic system for generating adaptive quadrilateral meshes in curved domains is presented. The presented technique has been implemented in the C++ language with the help of the standard template library. The software package writes the converged meshes in the GMV and the Matlab formats. Grid generation is the first very important step for numerically solving partial differential equations. Thus, the presented C++ grid generator is extremely important to the computational science community....

An alternating-direction iteration method for Helmholtz problems

Jim Douglas, Jeffrey L. Hensley, Jean Elizabeth Roberts (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

An alternating-direction iterative procedure is described for a class of Helmholz-like problems. An algorithm for the selection of the iteration parameters is derived; the parameters are complex with some having positive real part and some negative, reflecting the noncoercivity and nonsymmetry of the finite element or finite difference matrix. Examples are presented, with an applications to wave propagation.

An analysis of electrical impedance tomography with applications to Tikhonov regularization

Bangti Jin, Peter Maass (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper analyzes the continuum model/complete electrode model in the electrical impedance tomography inverse problem of determining the conductivity parameter from boundary measurements. The continuity and differentiability of the forward operator with respect to the conductivity parameter in Lp-norms are proved. These analytical results are applied to several popular regularization formulations, which incorporate a priori information of smoothness/sparsity on the inhomogeneity through Tikhonov...

An analysis of the boundary layer in the 1D surface Cauchy–Born model

Kavinda Jayawardana, Christelle Mordacq, Christoph Ortner, Harold S. Park (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The surface Cauchy–Born (SCB) method is a computational multi-scale method for the simulation of surface-dominated crystalline materials. We present an error analysis of the SCB method, focused on the role of surface relaxation. In a linearized 1D model we show that the error committed by the SCB method is 𝒪(1) in the mesh size; however, we are able to identify an alternative “approximation parameter” – the stiffness of the interaction potential – with respect to which the relative error...

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 540