Displaying 21 – 40 of 56

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Higher symmetries of the Laplacian via quantization

Jean-Philippe Michel (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We develop a new approach, based on quantization methods, to study higher symmetries of invariant differential operators. We focus here on conformally invariant powers of the Laplacian over a conformally flat manifold and recover results of Eastwood, Leistner, Gover and Šilhan. In particular, conformally equivariant quantization establishes a correspondence between the algebra of Hamiltonian symmetries of the null geodesic flow and the algebra of higher symmetries of the conformal Laplacian. Combined...

Locally variational invariant field equations and global currents: Chern-Simons theories

Mauro Francaviglia, M. Palese, E. Winterroth (2012)

Communications in Mathematics

We introduce the concept of conserved current variationally associated with locally variational invariant field equations. The invariance of the variation of the corresponding local presentation is a sufficient condition for the current beeing variationally equivalent to a global one. The case of a Chern-Simons theory is worked out and a global current is variationally associated with a Chern-Simons local Lagrangian.

Multivector fields and connections. Applications to field theories.

Arturo Echeverría-Enríquez, Miguel Carlos Muñoz-Lecanda, Narciso Román-Roy (2002)


Se estudia la integrabilidad de campos multivectoriales en variedades diferenciables y la relación entre algunos tipos de campos multivectoriales en un fibrado de jets y conexiones en dicho fibrado. Como caso particular se relacionan los campos multivectoriales integrables y las conexiones cuyas secciones integrales son holonómicas. Como aplicación de todo ello, estos resultados permiten escribir las ecuaciones de campo de las teorías clásicas de campos de primer orden en varias formas equivalentes....

Noether’s theorem for a fixed region

Klaus Bering (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

We give an elementary proof of Noether's first Theorem while stressing the magical fact that the global quasi-symmetry only needs to hold for one fixed integration region. We provide sufficient conditions for gauging a global quasi-symmetry.

On a Differential Equation with Left and Right Fractional Derivatives

Atanackovic, Teodor, Stankovic, Bogoljub (2007)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33; 70H03, 70H25, 70S05; 49S05We treat the fractional order differential equation that contains the left and right Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives. Such equations arise as the Euler-Lagrange equation in variational principles with fractional derivatives. We reduce the problem to a Fredholm integral equation and construct a solution in the space of continuous functions. Two competing approaches in formulating differential equations of fractional order...

Particles in the superworldline and BRST

Eugenia Boffo (2022)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this short note we discuss N -supersymmetric worldlines of relativistic massless particles and review the known result that physical spin- N / 2 fields are in the first BRST cohomology group. For N = 1 , 2 , 4 , emphasis is given to particular deformations of the BRST differential, that implement either a covariant derivative for a gauge theory or a metric connection in the target space seen by the particle. In the end, we comment about the possibility of incorporating Ramond-Ramond fluxes in the background.

Second variational derivative of local variational problems and conservation laws

Marcella Palese, Ekkehart Winterroth, E. Garrone (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

We consider cohomology defined by a system of local Lagrangian and investigate under which conditions the variational Lie derivative of associated local currents is a system of conserved currents. The answer to such a question involves Jacobi equations for the local system. Furthermore, we recall that it was shown by Krupka et al. that the invariance of a closed Helmholtz form of a dynamical form is equivalent with local variationality of the Lie derivative of the dynamical form; we remark that...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 56