The boundary-contact problem of elasticity for homogeneous anisotropic media with a contact on some part of the boundaries.
Hildebrand et al. (1999) proposed an adsorbate-induced phase transition model. For this model, Takei et al. (2005) found several stationary and evolutionary patterns by numerical simulations. Due to bistability of the system, there appears a phase separation phenomenon and an interface separating these phases. In this paper, we introduce the equation describing the motion of two interfaces in and discuss an application. Moreover, we prove the existence of the traveling front solution which approximates...
A homogeneous solid subject to quasi-static loading in the small strain range is considered. The material model assumed is rate-independent, non-associative and incrementally bilinear. The strain localization conditions are analytically solved using a geometric method. The expressions of the critical hardening moduli, their domains of validity and the form of the strain rate discontinuity are obtained. Finally these results, and in particular the role of hydrostatic and deviatoric non-normality,...
In questo lavoro viene analizzato il problema di equilibrio statico di una piastra rettangolare in contatto unilaterale e senza attrito con un mezzo elastico. Si esaminano i due modelli di fondazione alla Winkler e di semispazio elastico. Il problema viene risolto mediante discretizzazione agli elementi finiti utilizzando un approccio di tipo «penalty». La rapida convergenza del metodo e la sua efficienza sono dimostrate dagli esempi studiati, che riguardano sia piastre quadrate che rettangolari...