Existence of regular solutions for a one-dimensional simplified perfect-plastic problem with a unilateral gradient constraint.
For a class of elastic-plastic constitutive laws with nonlinear kinematic and isotropic hardening, the problem of determining the response to a finite load step is formulated according to an implicit backward difference scheme (stepwise holonomic formulation), with reference to discrete structural models. This problem is shown to be amenable to a nonlinear mathematical programming problem and a criterion is derived which guarantees monotonie convergence of an iterative algorithm for the solution...
In connection with the determination of the free energy functional for the viscoelastic stress tensor, a viscoelastic material is considered as described by a material with internal variables. In this framework the free energy is uniquely determined. It proves to be the minimal one in the class of thermodynamically admissible free energies.
The paper deals with the analysis and the numerical solution of the topology optimization of system governed by variational inequalities using the combined level set and phase field rather than the standard level set approach. The standard level set method allows to evolve a given sharp interface but is not able to generate holes unless the topological derivative is used. The phase field method indicates the position of the interface in a blurry way but is flexible in the holes generation. In the...
In this paper we prove existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence for a one-dimensional time-dependent problem related to a thermo-mechanical model of structural phase transitions in solids. This model assumes the free energy depending on temperature, macroscopic deformation and also on the proportions of the phases. Here we neglect regularizing terms in the momentum balance equation and in the constitutive laws for the phase proportions.
Si affronta il problema del calcolo dello stato tensionale in strutture costituite da materiale non resistente a trazione ed elastico lineare a compressione. Si formula la legge costitutiva e se ne fornisce l'espressione esplicita nel caso di stati tensionali monoassiali, biassiali e triassiali. Si imposta quindi il problema dell'equilibrio elastico e si discute sulla condizione da imporre ai carichi affinché venga assicurata l'esistenza della soluzione. Si sviluppa la formulazione agli elementi...
La non unicità dell'energia libera per un materiale viscoelastico di tipo «rate» viene provata mediante la determinazione di un controesempio.
Nei continui bidimensionali isotropi in fase fessurata si dimostra, nella sola ipotesi che le linee di rottura rappresentino univocamente il meccanismo di collasso, la impossibilità di ottenere un moltiplicatore ottimale del carico. La configurazione reale può essere definita considerando anche la capacità deformativa del continuo in esame.
In the present context the variation is performed keeping the deformed configuration fixed while a suitable material stress tensor and the material coordinates are required to vary independently. The variational principle turns out to be equivalent to an equilibrium problem of placements and tractions prescribed at the boundary of a body of finite extent.
In this paper we introduce a numerical approach adapted to the minimization of the eigenmodes of a membrane with respect to the domain. This method is based on the combination of the Level Set method of S. Osher and J.A. Sethian with the relaxed approach. This algorithm enables both changing the topology and working on a fixed regular grid.
In this paper we introduce a numerical approach adapted to the minimization of the eigenmodes of a membrane with respect to the domain. This method is based on the combination of the Level Set method of S. Osher and J.A. Sethian with the relaxed approach. This algorithm enables both changing the topology and working on a fixed regular grid.
A new variational formulation of the linear elasticity problem with Neumann or periodic boundary conditions is presented. This formulation does not require any quotient spaces and is advisable for finite element approximations.
A mechanical one-dimensional model which describes the dynamical behaviour of laminated curved beams is formulated. It is assumed that each lamina can be regarded as a Timoshenko's beam and that the rotations of the cross sections can differ from one lamina to another. The relative displacements at the interfaces of adjacent laminae are assumed to be zero. Consequently the model includes a shear deformability, due to the warping of the cross beam section consequent to the variability of the laminae...