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An introduction to quantum annealing

Diego de Falco, Dario Tamascelli (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Quantum annealing, or quantum stochastic optimization, is a classical randomized algorithm which provides good heuristics for the solution of hard optimization problems. The algorithm, suggested by the behaviour of quantum systems, is an example of proficuous cross contamination between classical and quantum computer science. In this survey paper we illustrate how hard combinatorial problems are tackled by quantum computation and present some examples of the heuristics provided by quantum annealing....

An introduction to quantum annealing

Diego de Falco, Dario Tamascelli (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Quantum annealing, or quantum stochastic optimization, is a classical randomized algorithm which provides good heuristics for the solution of hard optimization problems. The algorithm, suggested by the behaviour of quantum systems, is an example of proficuous cross contamination between classical and quantum computer science. In this survey paper we illustrate how hard combinatorial problems are tackled by quantum computation and present some examples of the heuristics provided by quantum annealing....

Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebras in which all sharp elements are central

Zdena Riečanová (2006)


We prove that every Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebra the center of which coincides with the set of all sharp elements is isomorphic to a subdirect product of horizontal sums of finite chains, and conversely. We show that every such effect algebra can be densely embedded into a complete effect algebra (its MacNeille completion) and that there exists an order continuous state on it.

Atomicity of lattice effect algebras and their sub-lattice effect algebras

Jan Paseka, Zdena Riečanová (2009)


We show some families of lattice effect algebras (a common generalization of orthomodular lattices and MV-effect algebras) each element E of which has atomic center C(E) or the subset S(E) of all sharp elements, resp. the center of compatibility B(E) or every block M of E. The atomicity of E or its sub-lattice effect algebras C(E), S(E), B(E) and blocks M of E is very useful equipment for the investigations of its algebraic and topological properties, the existence or smearing of states on E, questions...

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